2005 Minutes: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Aug Oct Dec




Regular Monthly Meeting

January 3, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the acting President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, January 3, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Micky Harrington, acting President    Elmer Beardshall      Harry Halliwell            Ken Rhinehardt


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Bill Powe        Sarah Moscript          Herlon Pierce


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the December 6, 2004 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. Friend Elmer Beardshall moved that the minutes of the December 6, 2004 meeting be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Friend Harry Halliwell and was unanimously approved.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- There were no new members present, however, it was acknowledged that new members have been gained since our last meeting. Friends membership now totals 91.

III.    Business

a.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce, reported that the “Friends” donation box has been installed and the “Friends” logo has been placed on the box.

b.      A discussion was held relative to the “No Stopping on Bridge” signs at the I59 overpass bridge.  It was again agreed that should vandals remove the signs that presently exist, a stencil will be procured to paint “No Stopping on Bridge” on the bridge abutment.

c.      Friend Harry Halliwell again expressed his desire for the mile markers on the trail to reflect actual mileage from the Gateway rather than reflecting the historical milepost locations. Trail Manager Herlon Pierce pointed out that the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trails Recreational District Board of Directors had made the decision to use the historic milepost locations after long and careful consideration to include the eventual construction of the trail to the Downtown Hattiesburg area to or near the historic Milepost 0 location. Also included in that decision was the fact that all existing permits for crossings and utilities are referenced to the historic mile marker locations, as these crossing permits in most cases are recorded legal documents in the various courthouses.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce did however, invited Mr. Halliwell and the “Friends” as a group to make a request of the Board of Directors if they wish.

d.      As a matter of information, Gateway Manager Bill Powe made a brief report on the USM Adventure Club plans, and stated that the Laurel Rotary Club has requested a presentation on the Trace on January 22nd.

e.      “Friends” president, Micky Harrington, asked if Mr. Butch Sims has been invoiced for his sponsorship of a water cooler at the Jackson Road Station.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he has not been invoiced, but will be during the next few days.

f.        A general discussion was held relative to the recent 5K Race/Walk held on January 1, 2005, from Clyde to Epley.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that newspaper articles indicated that there were nearly 100 participants and it has been reported that the group donated approximately $700 for a future educational project on the Longleaf Trace.

g.      It was noted by Friend Harry Halliwell that a tree identification project has been installed by the Forrest/Lamar County Forestry Association from the Jackson Rd. Station to MP 9.  It was further noted that several individuals have made positive comments relative to the project and it was agreed that the project is a positive for the Longleaf Trace and will obviously be an excellent educational tool. 

h.      A general discussion was held relative to the recent election of officers and the inability to find an individual who is willing to serve as president.  It was agreed that Secretary-elect Ms. Leslie Farmer would be an excellent choice for President of the “Friends of the Trace”  Acting President Harrington agreed that he will call Friend Leslie Farmer and ask her if she would consider serving in the position of President, and if she agrees, a secretary will then be sought.


IV.   President Harrington asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 6:40.


Read and approved on this date, February 7, 2005




____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date




____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date







Regular Monthly Meeting

February 7, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, February 7, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Leslie Farmer- President     Micky Harrington, Immediate Past President                    Butch Sims    Suzanne Sims           Alvin Justelien                                                Shari Justelien          


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Bill Powe        Herlon Pierce


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the January 13, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. Friend Butch Sims moved that the minutes of the January 3, 2005, meeting be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Friend Shari Justelien and was unanimously approved.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- There were no new members present, however, Friends Alvin and Shari Justelien are attending their first meeting of “Friends”.

III.    Business

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that MDOT has approved the painting of the wording “LONGLEAF TRACE”          on the I59 Overpass bridge.

b.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that MDOT has notified him that exit signs have been approved for I59 leading to the Gateway at Southern Miss and the Jackson Rd. Station.

c.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Spring edition of the Rails-to-Trails magazine will have a feature article on “Buddy’s Place”. 

d.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he has been asked on several occasions by Friends members, who are unable to attend the monthly meetings, to consider changing the meeting night to Thursday, rather than Monday. Following as extended discussion, Butch Sims moved that all friends members be surveyed by postcard/questionnaire to determine the day most suitable for the Friends meetings.  The motion was seconded by Friend Alvin Justelien and unanimously carried.( Friend Butch Sims made a donation of $37 to the District for the purchase of necessary postage for the survey.)

e.      A discussion was held relative to increasing Friend memberships and particularly as to why local trail user club members aren’t members of Friends. It was agreed by acclamation to request Friend Elmer Beardshall to put something on the Pine Belt Pacers Website and other known club websites soliciting Friends members.

f.        Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Friends donation box has been installed and has received approximately $5 to $10 per week.  Friends were asked by the Trail Manager to share their ideas in making the donation box more prominent to trail users, hopefully resulting in increased donations.

g.      Gateway Manager Bill Powe asked if Friends would be interested in supporting the St. Jude Bike-a-Thon.  By acclamation, it was agreed that Friends would assist at the Gateway with the events if needed and duties are assigned.

h.      Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that the Southern Miss Art Department is preparing for the “Art for Trails” program. Following a discussion, it was determined that a 10’ X 10’ slab would be needed for each piece of art and guidelines for the theme and structure for the pieces must be developed for the art pieces. Concern was expressed for placing art pieces along the trail due to their conflict with the natural environment, safety concerns and concern for overdevelopment of the area between the Gateway at Southern Miss and the 38th Ave./7th St. tunnel.  It was agreed that art pieces should be restricted to the Gateway at Southern Miss and at the Stations and/or adjoining city parks along the trail.

i.        A discussion was held relative to the need for users to keep right when using the trail, except for when passing.  It was agreed by acclamation to consider installing signs along the trail that state “keep right except when passing” or of similar wording that complies with the manual for uniform traffic control devices.  Other suggestions included painting footprints on the right side of the trail and the possibility of Friends wearing vests with the wording “keep right” on their back.

j.         A copy of the general guidelines for the “Trailblazer” award program was provided to those present.  Friend Butch Sims moved that the guidelines be approved and that the award be named the “Bonnie Anglin Trailblazer Award” as recommended by James Moore in honor of Mrs. Bonnie Anglin, an avid user and loyal supporter of the Longleaf Trace who recently lost her life to cancer. It was further moved to recognize several Bonnie Anglin Trailblazer Award recipients, based on the guidelines, to initiate the program, and to thereafter recognize annually only one Bonnie Anglin Trailblazer Award.  The motion was seconded by James Moore and unanimously approved. This recommendation will be taken to the Board of Directors for their consideration. See attached Trailblazer Award program guidelines.

k.      Mr. James Moore nominated Bonnie and Fred Anglin for the 2005 annual “Bonnie Anglin Trailblazer Award”. Friend Alvin Justelien seconded the nomination, and there being no further nominations, Fred and Bonnie Anglin will be recommended to the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trails Recreational District Board of Directors for the 2005 annual Bonnie Anglin Trailblazer Award.



IV.   President Leslie Farmer asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 7:30.


Read and approved on this date, March 7, 2005




____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date




____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date






Regular Monthly Meeting

March 7, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:15pm on Monday, March 7, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Leslie Farmer- President     Elmer Beardshall, Acting Secretary            Francis Farmer         Butch Sims    Suzanne Sims           Ed Crockett            James Moore            Nancy Munn


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce            Sarah Moscript


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the February 7, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. Friend Elmer Beardshall moved that the minutes of the February 7, 2005, meeting be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Friend Nancy Munn and was unanimously approved.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- There were no new members present, however there was an extended conversation relative to the need for gaining additional members for the monthly meeting.  Several alternatives were discussed such as inviting outside speakers, having the monthly meeting around an event, door prizes, food and etc. There was also a discussion about the possibility of changing the monthly meeting to a different night or the possibility of meeting only quarterly.  No official action was taken, however, all of these possibilities are under advisement.

III.    Business

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the questionnaire discussed in our February meeting has not officially been prepared or mailed. Following a discussion, it was agreed that the mailing should include questions about a preferred time/date of monthly meetings, is there a preference for quarterly meetings only, and to solicit ideas to create more interest in the monthly meetings.  Approval of the discussed items was by acclamation.

b.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Friends donation box has shown some increase in collections during the last month, and that ideas continue to be solicited to cause the donation box to be more prominent to trail users, resulting in increased donations.

c.      Questions were raised about the date of the St. Jude Bike-a-Thon, in which Friends agreed in the February meeting to assist with at the Gateway.  It was agreed that Gateway Manager Bill Powe will advise Elmer Beardshall of the date of the St. Jude Bike-a-Thon for posting on the Trace website and for notification of the Friends members.

d.      A further discussion was held relative to installing art pieces in and around the Gateway at Southern Miss and at Stations and city parks adjoining along the trail. Following an extended and thorough conversation of the matter, it was agreed by unanimous consent that items of art would most likely be a liability to the District, could cause extraordinary maintenance and would interfere with the natural art of nature that exists along the Longleaf Trace and therefore will not be supported by Friends of the Longleaf Trace.

e.      A discussion was held relative to the need for users to keep right when using the trail, except when passing.  It was agreed that Trail Manager Herlon Pierce install the keep right signs (one out in both directions from the stations) and install signs that state “keep right except when passing” (one out in either direction from each station), if in fact these wordings comply with the manual of uniform traffic control devices.

f.        Friends were made aware by a flyer of the “Ride of Silence”, in honor of cyclists killed on the roads that will be held on May 18, 2005 at 7:00pm.  It was agreed by acclamation that the Friends will sponsor and host a Ride of Silence per the flyer which is made a part of the minutes hereof, and will post the flyer inviting riders via the website and through media services.

g.      It was agreed by acclamation to request the Board of Directors to install a sign announcing the future site for the Jerry Ryan Memorial Pavilion/Staging/Exercise area.

h.      A discussion was held relative to the safety at trail crossings at a number of street and highway crossings.  Friend Elmer Beardshall moved that Friends recommend to the Board of Directors that letters be written to the Mississippi Department of Transportation requesting their assistance with crossing safety devices at the state highway crossings at Hwy 42, Hwy 35, and Hwy 84/13 bypass.  It was further moved that a letter be written to the Lamar County Board of Supervisors requesting their consideration and their assistance with crossing safely devices at Westover/West Hills drive and at Jackson Rd. The motion was seconded by Friend Butch Sims and unanimously approved.

i.        Trial Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the water coolers purchased through sponsorships for the Jackson Rd. and Epley stations have been ordered and will be installed within the month.

j.         Trail Manager Herlon Pierce brought up the issue of the possibility of Friends sponsoring a wildflower seed planting. Those present were requested to invite someone who might be an expert in wildflower plantings to attend our next meeting for discussion on the issue.


IV.   President Leslie Farmer asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 7:30.


Read and approved on this date, April 4, 2005




____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date




____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date






Regular Monthly Meeting

April 4, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:15pm on Monday, April 4, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Leslie Farmer- President            Elmer Beardshall, Acting Secretary                              
Dr. Peter Kamp            Nancy Munn               Dr. David Halliwell         


Guests: Dr. Sam Rosso, retired botanist, USM            Chad Bolles St. Jude


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce            Sarah Moscript         Bill Powe (7:00)


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the March 7, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. The March 7, 2005 “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved by acclamation.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- Dr. Peter Kamp was recognized as a first time participant in the “Friends” meeting. Dr. Sam Rosso was our guest to provide an insight to the possibility of establishing wildlife flowers along the Longleaf Trace.

a.      Chad Bolles, St. Judes, asked for assistance in sponsoring the St. Jude’s bike-a-thon.  An extended conversation was held, and President Leslie Farmer suggested that the Hattiesburg Jaycees or a USM sorority might be willing to sponsor the event, and the Friends would help, but the Friends could not be the sponsor.

b.      Friend Elmer Beardshall noted that he has requested assistance from The Museum of Natural Science, and The Crosby Arboretum relative to wildflowers along the Longleaf Trace. Dr. Sam Rosso is present tonight and available to assist and/or answer questions relative thereto.  Dr. Rosso made a presentation relative to the planting of wildflowers and suggested that there are a number of varieties that would be applicable to the trail, however, during the seeding process, there is a high possibility of establishing unwanted varieties that could create long-term problems.  Following a lengthy discussion of questions and answers, Dr. David Halliwell suggested that the wildflowers that currently exist along the trail are native to the area, and that we should not establish non-native wildflowers by planting along the trail. It was then generally agreed by acclamation that experts should identify those wildflowers that are predominant and native to the Longleaf Trace and possibly propagate those in view of the fact that they are native to the area and fit the environment of the Longleaf Trace. It was also agreed that an effort would be made to secure the necessary assistance to identify the existing wildflowers along the Longleaf trace and at that time a program will be established based on those finds.


III.    Business

a.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that several of the “Keep Right” signs have been installed between the Gateway at Southern Miss and the Clyde Depot Station.  Additional signs will be installed as soon as the “Keep Right Except When Passing” signs are available.

b.      A conversation was held relative to the “Ride of Silence” to be sponsored by Friends and held on May 18, 2005 at 7:00pm. It was agreed that a banner would be installed promoting the “Ride of Silence”, which will be from the Gateway at Southern Miss to Jackson Road and return, and the banner will be installed in the Gateway Complex.

c.      Friend Elmer Beardshall provided those present with information on the updated Cross Alert System, and those Friends present reasserted their position that the crossings at West Hills Drive, Jackson Rd., Hwy 589 Sumrall, Hwy 42 Sumrall, Hwy 35 Bassfield, J E Johnson Rd. near Prentiss and Hwy 84/13 Bypass Prentiss need additional safety warning devices as these intersections present a variety of safety hazards.

d.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the water coolers purchased through sponsorships by Friends for the Jackson Road and Epley Stations will be installed on April 8, 2005.


A number of other general items were discussed for possible future consideration by Friends. It was agreed that making more information available on the agenda items for upcoming meetings would help attendance at Friends meetings, and Friend Elmer Beardshall agreed to include them in future e-mail meeting reminders.


IV.   President Leslie Farmer asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 7:30.


Read and approved on this date, May 2, 2005



____________________                           ______________________

     President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

          Secretary                                                   Date




Regular Monthly Meeting

May 2, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:10pm on Monday, May 2, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Leslie Farmer- President            Elmer Beardshall, Acting Secretary                               Ed Crockett            Nancy Munn               Dr. Peter Kamp            Janie Kamp 


Guests: Melinda Lyman, Curator/Botanist Crosby Arboretum

                        Dr. Sam Rosso, Retired Botanist, USM


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce            Sarah Moscript (until 6:30)


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the April 4, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. The April 4, 2005 “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved by acclamation.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- 

a.      Mrs. Janie Kamp was recognized as a first time participant in the Friends meeting.

b.      Melinda Lyman of the Crosby Arboretum and Dr. Sam Rosso were recognized as guests to provide insight in the possibility of enhancing native wildflowers, shrubs and trees along the Longleaf Trace. Melinda Lyman accompanied Trail Manager Herlon Pierce, during the afternoon, on a tour of the Longleaf Trace between the Gateway at Southern Miss and Sumrall to gain a general knowledge of the presence of native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Ms. Lyman made a presentation to the Friends group reviewing the more prominent species of wildflowers, shrubs, and trees in the gulf coastal region of the State of Mississippi which applies to the Longleaf Trace area of the State. Following her very informative and educational presentation, she concluded that the Longleaf Trace already generally has what it needs and encouraged the Friends and the District to educate and enhance what it already has. Ms. Lyman stated that if there is an area of weakness, it would be in the shrub family and suggested that the Longleaf Trace might consider the purchase and planting of several varieties of native shrubs, one being the wild azalea.  She further pointed out that further information is available in the publication “Gardening with Native Plants of the South”, through the NRCS plants database by the USDA, and through the Mississippi Native Plant Society.  She also suggested that the trace might pursue the master gardener program in an effort the gain expertise at little or no cost.  Melinda also indicated that she and Trail Manager Herlon Pierce have reviewed maintenance mowing schemes that will alternate the frequency of mowing along the trail in order to allow native wildflower seeds to mature, therefore enhancing these plants. President Leslie Farmer thanked Ms. Melinda Lyman for her effort on behalf of the Longleaf Trace and the members present expressed their appreciation.


III.    Business

a.      Resource provider Sarah Moscript informed the Friends that the Delta Delta Delta Sorority will sponsor and manage the St. Jude’s Bike a Thon.

b.      President Leslie Farmer informed the Friends that Trail Manager Herlon Pierce has reported that the concerns of Friend of the LLT for certain intersections along the Trace in need for safety devices has been properly brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and the appropriate governing authorities along the Trail.

c.      Friend Nancy Munn asked about progress in procuring a banner for the Ride of Silence to be held May 18th at 7:00 pm.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that an effort will be made to procure the banner and promotional materials by the end of the current week, of May 13, 2005.

d.      A discussion was held relative to the possibility of procuring sponsors for safety devices at critical and dangerous intersections along the Longleaf Trace through organizations such as the Asbury Foundation. Friend Nancy Munn moved that Trail Manager Herlon Pierce pursue the possibility of sponsorship and/or grants for intersection/safety devices with Ms. Stacy Michele of the Asbury Foundation, and/or other appropriate organizations.  Following a motion by Nancy Munn and second by Janie Kamp, the motion was unanimously approved.

e.      President Leslie Farmer declared that in view of it being near 7:30 pm that the meeting is adjourned.



Read and approved on this date, July 11, 2005



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date




Regular Quarterly Meeting

August 1, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:07 pm on Monday, August 1, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Leslie Farmer- President; Elmer Beardshall, Acting Secretary; Ed Crockett; Nancy Munn; Suzanne Sims; Butch Sims; Becky Ryder; Hollie Ryder; Bill Powe; and John Harsh


Guests: There were no guests


Resource providers present: Gateway Manager Bill Powe



I.                    Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the May 2, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. The May 2, 2005 “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved by acclamation.


II.                  Business

a.      Friend Nancy Munn reported on the May 18th Ride of Silence. 32 persons participated. Nancy said that rides in other towns got more visibility by riding the streets, and perhaps part of our ride should be on the streets next time.

b.      Friend and Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported on the June 5th National Trails Day event. Over 300 persons attended, well above the 200 expected. 200 t-shirts were ordered and registration was cut-off at 200, but an additional 100 (estimated) came later.

c.      Friend and Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that he is planning to have more events on the Trace. He hopes to have one grand scale event (To be determined), and several 2nd level events along the lines of the National Trails Day on the first Saturday in June and the Birthday Challenge on the second Saturday in November.

d.      Friend and Gateway Manager Bill Powe distributed a proposed Friends budget.

e.      Friend Elmer Beardshall reminded the group that it had been decided to plant native shrubs this fall, and that money was in the budget for this purpose. President Leslie Framer asked him to contact Melinda Lyman and find out when the Crosby Fall plant sale would be scheduled.

f.        Friend Ed Crockett again expressed a desire to see signs erected to tell trail users when they crossed a county line.

g.      Friend Nancy Munn stated that the new markers (indicating distance from the stations) painted on the Trace are very useful to runners and walkers.

h.      Friend and Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that he would like to make some changes to the Friends Brochure. A vote was taken to include a small map rather than a picture of the Gateway building. After much discussion of various possible brochure features, Friend Elmer Beardshall made the motion to allow Friend Bill Powe to use his discretion in deciding the details of the changes to be made. It was seconded by Friend Leslie Farmer and passed by acclamation.

i.        Friend Hollie Ryder complained about trash being thrown over the embankment onto the Trace near the 7th Street overpass. Bill Powe stated that the city was taking action to have this stopped. Another Youth Challenge session is starting soon and trash pickup along the Trace will be improved.

j.         Friend Bill Powe informed the group that the plans for the Jerry Ryan Memorial facility are almost complete. DEQ is presently completing their environmental impact study.

k.      Friend Bill Powe reported that there were now 127 Friends of the Trace members

l.         Friend Bill Powe stated that the work being done on the tracks between the Gateway and downtown (removing rails and ties) is under contract to Illinois Central and is a routine part of the abandonment process.

m.    Nancy Munn reported a problem with golf carts not yielding to other users as the rules require. Several other members also reported seeing young people using golf carts.


III.                There being no other business, President Leslie Farmer declared the meeting adjourned at 7:02pm.



Read and approved on this date, October 3, 2005



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date




Regular Quarterly Meeting

October 3, 2005

The regularly scheduled meeting of the "Friends of the Longleaf Trace" was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:06 pm on Monday, October 3rd, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:

Leslie Farmer- President; Harry Halliwell – Vice President; Elmer Beardshall, Acting Secretary; Ed Crockett; Nancy Munn; Butch Sims; Becky Ryder; Hollie Ryder; James Moore; Lisa Blount; Mary Smith; Dow Ford; Renee ford; and Luke Logan Ford.

Guests: A gardening expert, Diane Lafferty, attended at the invitation of Friend Becky Ryder

Resource providers: Trail Boss Herlon Pierce


I. Approval of Minutes: A copy of the minutes of the August 1, 2005 meeting of "Friends of the Longleaf Trace" had been posted on the Trace web site. The August 1, 2005 "Friends of the Longleaf Trace" minutes were approved by acclamation.

II. Business

a. Leslie Farmer and Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported on the contracts and status of the clearing of the Trace.

b. New officers were nominated and elected as follow:

i President – Leslie Farmer

ii Vice President – Butch Sims

iii Secretary – Mary Smith

c. Friend Becky Ryder reported that the Pine Belt Pacers plan to hold a run to benefit the Trace on October 8th, and all proceeds will be contributed to the Trace.

d. Friend Nancy Munn asked about the progress on the lights project. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that the money had been raised, but during the fundraising period the price of the project had gone up considerably, and negotiations were underway to renegotiate a contract.

e. Friend James Moore reported that Moore’s’ Bicycle Shop and Hattiesburg Bicycle Center had gone together to sponsor a commercial to inform the public about the Trace. He reported that a large percentage of his new customers have never been on the Trace, and many do not know of it. The showing was originally scheduled for October but has been postponed until the Trace is completely reopened.

f. Friend Elmer Beardshall reported that due to the storm Katrina the Crosby Arboretum is closed until further notice and therefore their fall plant sale scheduled for October 7-8  has been cancelled.

g. Friend Lisa Blount reported that her father Mayor Blount would like to attend the next meeting and explain the details of the plan to create a path from the Trace to Jeff Davis Lake. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce said that an endorsement by the Friends would encourage the District Board of Directors to pursue this project. Friend Butch Sims made the motion that the Friends endorse this project, and this motion passed by acclamation.

h. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that he had made appeals to several organizations, including the Rails to Trails Conservancy, the League of American Bicycling, and the Bicycle Advocacy Group of Mississippi for financial or other help in reopening the Trace. He reported that clearing contracted for this week is only the first step of many that will be necessary. For example: Mr. Fagan, the Trace’s forester volunteer has raised concerns about damaged trees, and the possibility of insect infestation caused by damage and stress from the storm. Also the initial clearing will only remove debris that lies within 15 feet of the pavement, so much more clearing and moving debris will be desirable. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce asked all Friends to contact any organizations they were members of or knew of that might be willing to help with financing of further improvements.

i. Friend Nancy Munn proposed that the Friends hold an event on the Trace as soon as possible after it is cleared. The motion carried and Trail Boss Herlon Pierce stated that November 15th or later would be safe for scheduling an event. It was decided to call a special Friends meeting not later than November 7th to finalize this event.

j. Friend Becky Ryder introduced Diane Lafferty, a plant expert with the Audubon Society, who has volunteered to advise us on planting shrubs and possibly butterfly gardens along the Trace. She discussed possible plantings and will create a list of appropriate and available flora.

III. There being no other business, Vice President Butch Sims (who was presiding after President Leslie Farmer left to attend another meeting) declared the meeting adjourned at 7:05pm.

Read and approved on this date, November 7, 2005

____________________                                         ______________________

President                                                                     Date

____________________                                         ______________________
Secretary                                                                     Date



Quarterly Meeting

December 5, 2005


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:05pm on Monday, December 5, 2005, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time six members including Leslie Farmer and Bill Powe were present:


Leslie Farmer- President    


Guests: None


Resource providers present:

Bill Powe, Gateway Manager


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the October 3, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, a copy of the minutes were not available to present at the meeting, however, by acclamation, the October 3, 2005 “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved as posted on the Longleaf Trace website.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- 


III.    Business

a.      Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that the Hurricane Katrina clean-up is now complete and the entire trace has now been reopened.

b.      The Steam Whistle 12K Run is being held at Clyde Depot again this year. It will start at 9:00 am on Saturday December 31. Full details about the event can be viewed on the Pine Belt Pacers web site at www.pinebeltpacers.org.

c.      Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported on the Longleaf Trace Coloring Book Contest. Pictures of the awards ceremony are on the Longleaf Trace web site.

d.      A discussion was held relative to the possibility of procuring sponsors for safety devices at critical and dangerous intersections along the Longleaf Trace.  As of this date, there are no sponsors.

e.      President Leslie Farmer declared that in view of it being nearly 6:30 pm that the meeting is adjourned.



Read and approved on this date, March 6, 2006



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date




2005 Minutes:  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Aug Oct Dec