2006 Minutes: Mar Apr Jun Sep




Quarterly Meeting

March 6, 2006


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:04pm on Monday, March 6, 2006, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present: Leslie Farmer- President,  Ed Crockett, Becky Ryder, Hollie Ryder, Richlain Robinson, Nancy Munn,

Drew Carter, Elmer Beardshall.    


Guests: None


Resource providers present: Bill Powe, Gateway Manager; Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the December 5, 2005 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” had been posted on the Trace web site in December. By acclamation, the December 5, 2005 “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved as posted on the Longleaf Trace website.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- None 


III.    Old Business

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the aftermath of the cleanup. FEMA paid the cost of tree removal to a distance of 15' from the edge of the paving. They also paid an administrative fee of 3% which the board intends to use for insect control if necessary. The Trace has been advised to leave all remaining timber as is to avoid further insect infestation.

b.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Longleaf Trace signs on the interstate had been repaired or were intact. The sign on the I59 bridge is not yet in place.

c.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the local restaurant and motel association had donated $5000 toward storm recovery on the Trace. The board had not yet expended this donation. The Friends voted to ask the board to use half the $5000 donation for new shrubs and food plots in order to help restore wildlife habitat along the Trace.

d.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the environmental studies on the extension to downtown are nearing completion. The board has budgeted the money to cover their part ($150,000) of the purchase price when asked. No design contracts have been let. Completion of this extension is thus still several years in the future

e.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Asbury Foundation was not interested in helping the Trace with safety lighting at intersections.

f.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the new brochures Bill Powe had designed had been printed and were being used. Copies were obtained and distributed to all interested Friends, including a case for the representatives of the Hattiesburg Bicycle Center who were present

g.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the board had approved putting signs at the county lines along the Trace as suggested by Friend Ed Crockett, and they would be installed as soon as the engineers had marked the exact locations.

h.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the Jerry Ryan Pavilion. Plans and financing are being finalized, and construction should start in about 6 months. Leaders of the New Century had agreed to allow the funds they had raised to date for the lighting project be part of the Pavilion project, and the initial lighting would be from the Ryan Pavilion to the new 31st Avenue overpass.


IV. New Business

  1. Planting shrubs as advised by Melinda Wyman and Dianne Lafferty was discussed. We are reaching the end of the planting season. Woodlands just outside the maintained (mowed) area have been recommended. Mile markers 9 and 12 were mentioned as areas needing new shrubs. Members were encouraged to find persons who could donate shrubs, or locate sources of grants.  

  2. Some members still want to plant butterfly gardens at stations.

  3. President Leslie Farmer announced that the annual Ride of Silence is scheduled for May 17th this year. Various routes were discussed: Gateway west on West 4th to West Hills Drive, Trace to Jackson Station, Trace to Gateway for an 8 mile ride. Gateway east on West 4th to downtown, Main Street to Pine Street to Hardy Street to 25th Avenue to West 4th, west on West 4th to the Gateway.  Bill Powe offered to inquire about police escorts from USM and HPD as well as TV coverage for the two routes.

  4. President Leslie Farmer announced that the National Trails Day event would be June 3rd this year. Friend Bill Powe stated that the theme has not yet been announced, so no planning has been done as yet.

  5. President Leslie Farmer suggested that since several of the new business items needed action before the next regularly scheduled quarterly meeting in June, another meeting was needed. The members voted to have the next meeting Monday April 3rd at 6 pm in the Gateway.

  6. President Leslie Farmer declared that there being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned as of 7:14 pm.



Read and approved on this date, June 5, 2006



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date




Special Meeting

April 3, 2006


The April 3rd special meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:10pm on Monday, April 3, 2006, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present: Leslie Farmer- President,  Ed Crockett, Nancy Munn, Delia Flynt, Joe Flynt, Elmer Beardshall.    


Guests: None


Resource providers present: Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager


I.        Approval of Minutes:  As this was a special meeting, the minutes were not discussed.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- Joe and Delia Flynt from Taylorsville were present and introduced before the meeting started.


III.    Old Business

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the March planting of butterfly gardens. President Leslie Farmer had gone before the Board at their March meeting and asked them to approve funds for this purpose, and they approved the expenditure of $1050. On March 18 the Maintenance Crew disced the beds,  each of about 100 square feet in size, except for the one at the Gateway, which is in a crescent shape, and was about 250 square feet. On March 25, Friend Diane Lafferty and Trail Manager Herlon Pierce planted flowers at Buddy's Place, Jackson Station, Clyde Depot, Epley Station, Sumrall Station, Bassfield Station, Carson Station, and Prentiss Depot. Trail Manager Herlon Pierce is worried about maintenance of the beds, and asked the Friends to find volunteers to help with the maintenance, especially with keeping the beds weeded.

b.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Maintenance Crew will mow 5 mile segments and he has developed a schedule which will maximize wildflower growth in each segment.

c.       Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the board has budgeted the money (approximately $50,000) to improve the horse trail from Epley to Sumrall so that it can be used by wagons.

d.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the Jerry Ryan Pavilion. Plans and financing are in the final stages, and construction should start in July.


IV. New Business

  1. President Leslie Farmer reported that the May 17th Ride of Silence has been approved, the $25 fee paid, and she is working on the paperwork for the permit. Their will be an additional $25 fee for the police escort. She has selected the Trace route (Gateway west on West 4th to West Hills Drive, Trace to Jackson Station, Trace to Gateway) for an 8 mile ride. She asked all participants to wear high visibility clothing and use any headlights /taillights / safety lights they may have.
  2. President Leslie Farmer announced that the theme for National Trails Day on June 3rd has now been announced, and she will check with Bill Powe to see if any planning has been done by USM. The Friends will man a table to solicit new members and promote information on the rules of the Trace.
  3. Friend Nancy Munn complained on horses using the Trace just west of Jackson Road. Also numerous golf carts that do not yield right of way from Sumrall to Clyde. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that he has prosecuted persons (4 wheelers, dog owners) who violate the rules of the Trace, and the penalty is a $500 fine, and up to 30 days in Jail. He asked all Friends to stop all golf carts and remind them that they must yield to all users. He also asked that the Friends help with education. He proposed that periodically the Friends set up check points at various stations and stop all trail users and discuss rules. This idea was discussed at length, and it was decided that a short list of rules specific to each group of users (bikers, walkers, equestrians, etc) would be prepared. These would be printed, and Friends, wearing name tags, and working in groups of 2 or 3, would stop users, give them a copy, and remind them of pertinent rules. President Leslie Farmer stated that she would work on the rules lists and schedule manning education checkpoints.
  4. President Leslie Farmer declared that there being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned as of 6:55 pm.



Read and approved on this date, June 5th, 2006



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date




Quarterly Meeting

June 5, 2006


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:02pm on Monday, June 5, 2006, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:
Leslie Farmer- President
Ed Crockett
Becky Ryder
Richlain Robinson
Nancy Munn

Elmer Beardshall
Jody Bass

Nate Bender

Barbara Robinson

Sandra Bender    


Guests: None


Resource providers present: ; Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the April 3 2006 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” had been posted on the Trace web site. By acclamation, the April 3 2006  “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved as posted.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- None 


III.    Old Business

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the planting of the Butterfly gardens. He said that some plants had had to be replaced, and that Diane Lafferty should be given much of the credit for the plantings and upkeep. President Leslie Farmer noted that they looked very good and moved that the Friends give her a t-shirt in appreciation of her efforts. The motion passed by acclimation. 

b.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the sign on the I59 bridge is not yet in place.

c.      President Leslie Farmer reported on the May 17th Ride of Silence. About 25 persons participated and the route was changed to out and back on the Trace due to escort problems..

d.      President Leslie Farmer gave a preliminary report on the June 3rd National Trails Day. (Bill Powe was not available to give a full report). The weather was favorable and about 200 persons attended. Chilis' provided food and Coca-Cola provided drinks. Joe and Delia Flynt manned the Friends table.

e.  Leslie Farmer reported that first drafts of the trail user rule cards have been made up for each type of user (dog owner, hiker, biker, skater, golf carts). She suggested that a special meeting be called to finalize the cards, create a procedure for handing out the cards,  and make plans for pairs of members to work appropriate locations for each type of user. After some discussion it was decided to have a special meeting Monday June 19th at 6 pm in the Gateway.

g.  Friend Ed Crockett asked about the County signs. Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the board had approved putting signs at the county lines along the Trace as suggested by Friend Ed Crockett, and they would be installed as soon as the exact locations had been marked .

h.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the Jerry Ryan Pavilion. Bids will be let in July and construction should start in August



IV. New Business

  1. Friend Nancy Munn requested action on the graffiti near the 7th Street tunnel. Friend Robinson stated that the best prevention from future graffiti was prompt action. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that the maintenance crew does repair vandalism each work day. They have a sand blaster and spray painter, and that action to cover up or remove graffiti would be speeded up. 

  2. Friend Nancy Munn reported that Laurie Stetleman had a bad wreck between Lott Circle and Sumrall caused by large bumps in the paving. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce stated that these bumps had been marked to warn users and that repairs are planned soon.

  3. President Leslie Farmer declared that there being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned as of 7:01 pm.



Read and approved on this date, September 11, 2006



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date



Quarterly Meeting

September 11, 2006


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, September 11, 2006, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Gateway Bike Shop of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:
Leslie Farmer- President
Ed Crockett
Nancy Munn

Elmer Beardshall
Nate Bender

Megan Coupe

Drew Carter


Guests: None


Resource providers present: ; Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the June 5 2006 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” had been posted on the Trace web site. By acclamation, the June 5 2006  “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” minutes were approved as posted.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- None 


III.    Old Business

a.      Leslie Farmer reported that first drafts of the trail user rule cards have been made up for each type of user (dog owner, hiker, biker, skater, golf carts). The special meeting to finalize the cards, create a procedure for handing out the cards, and make plans for pairs of members with proper ID as LLT Friends to work appropriate locations for each type of user was held Monday June 19th at 6 pm in the Gateway but was poorly attended and did not finalize the plans. Leslie will have the cards printed and calla special meeting to finish the project. 

b.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the golf cart situation. The PTLRRT Board voted to go ahead with the permit system as we recommended. He has begun stopping each golf cart user and informing them of the permit requirement. Golf cart rules signs will be posted at the stations. Violators will be warned once, and their permit will be pulled on the second violation. Persons who rent golf carts will have their permits pulled on the 4th violation by their renters. For these penalties to take effect, they must be advertised in all reasonable publications three times to give trail users a fair chance to learn of the rules before they take effect.

c.     Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the bump at about mile 21 has been repaired.

d.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the graffiti in the tunnel has been covered.

e.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the PTLRRT Board approved putting up county signs and the towns requested signs also. These signs have been ordered.

g.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that more Keep Right signs have been ordered and will be installed at each station.

h.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the Jerry Ryan Pavilion. Advertisements for bids are out this week. Construction should start in November.

i.   Friend Nancy Munn asked about the lack of mile markers from Clyde Station. Trail Manager Herlon Pierce responded that when the mile markers were painted on the pavement, Clyde Station was not owned by the Trace. He will add Clyde Station mile markers to the maintenance crew's to-do list.

j.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the equestrian trail. A new Friends group has been formed, the Longleaf Trace Trail Riders. They are interested in using the equestrian trail for wagons. They have held work days to improve the horse trail. 17 culverts have been installed by the Trace maintenance crew to allow wagons to cross low spots and streams. Advertisements for bids are out this week. Construction should start in November.

k.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the Beaver Lake project. The Trace now owns 24 acres at the site, 12-15 of which will be under water when the lake is impounded. There will be facilities for primitive camping, a horse corral (the horse trail will be extended from Epley to Beaver Lake), and an outdoor classroom. Impoundment and other improvements are expected to cost about $500,000. Ronnie Shows was able to get Denbury Corporation to donate $10,000 for this project. A media day will be held Saturday October 28 to thank Denbury Corporation for their help. There will be a bicycle ride and donation ceremony, followed by a catered cook-out. The public (and especially Friends of the Trace) will be invited to attend, participate in the bike ride, and thank the Denbury representatives for their support. 

l.   Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the Jeff Davis Lake project. Jefferson County has the lead on this project, and they have voted to fund and construct the paved trail connecting the lake and the Longleaf Trace. They have acquired the right-of-way and applied for supplemental grants from MDOT. The PTLRRT Board has agreed to accept maintenance and operation responsibilities when the trail is completed.

m.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that use of the primitive camping facilities at Carson has been very high this summer. Church groups, girl scout troops, and boy scout troops have been the main users.




IV. New Business

  1. Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Birthday Challenge committee has asked the Friends to man an aid station on November 4th. This will involve two person teams working two hour shifts for 6-8 hours total. 

  2. Nominations were opened for the Bonnie Anglin award. Friend Nancy Munn nominated Betty Fink. Betty Fink was a heavy trail user from Poplarville. She lost her battle with pancreatic cancer this year. Other persons discussed were Diane Lafferty, Bob Everard, Bobby and Mrs. Garroway, and Rex Jones. After some discussion, Betty
    Fink was voted as the 2006 award winner by acclamation.
    Betty Fink will be recommended to the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trails Recreational District Board of Directors for the 2006 annual Bonnie Anglin Trailblazer Award

  3. President Leslie Farmer asked for a special meeting to make plans for the 10/28 ride and media day, and Birthday Challenge. After some discussion the meeting was set for Monday 10/02 at 6 pm at the Gateway.

  4. President Leslie Farmer declared that there being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned as of 7:11 pm.



Read and approved on this date, December 4, 2006



____________________                           ______________________

President                                                    Date



____________________                           ______________________

Secretary                                                    Date



2006 Minutes:  Mar Apr Jun Sep