2009 MinutesJan  Apr  Jul  Aug



Friends of the Trace Meeting


Quarterly Meeting

January 5th, 2009 

A short informal meeting was held January 5th, 2009. Minutes were not recorded.


Friends of the Trace Meeting


Quarterly Meeting

April 6, 2009

Friends in attendance were President Leslie Farmer, Secretary Becky Ryder
and members Elmer Beardshall and Ed Crockett.

The first order of business was the discussion of an article which appeared in the March, 2009 issue Bluffs and Bayous magazine. The article contained numerous pictures of the Trace, as well as information which would be very useful to visitors.

The group then discussed the creation and installation of a sign/structure at the pipes which are located over the Trace near 7th Street. Becky Ryder will contact the USM Art Department about the possibility of a faculty member or student creating a work of art for this project.

At the last Friends meeting, it was decided that membership will be on an annual basis with all current memberships expiring on 12/31/2009. In the future, new members or previous members who join or renew prior to July 1 of each year will be carried over until the end of the following year. At tonight's meeting, it was decided that Leslie will ask Friend Nancy Munn to make personal calls to all members who have not renewed. During these calls, Nancy will also attempt to obtain a valid email address for each person.

Other methods for increasing member participation were discussed and it was decided that Friend Elmer Beardshall will set up a Friends of the Trace Internet Forum where topics of discussion will be listed and member input will be solicited. Once we feel that we have an accurate email list, we will contact all members to inform them of the forum and encourage member participation.

Friend Elmer Beardshall suggested that once a year there should be a listing of Trace sponsors and members to appear in local newspapers. It was agreed that we will attempt to do this.

Leslie then informed us that Herlon Pierce has volunteered to once again prepare hamburgers for a membership drive. The date for this event was not set.

Becky Ryder suggested that a program be developed where groups would adopt a section of the Trace and be responsible for periodically picking up trash and other unsightly items which are sometimes left on the trail. The Pine Belt Pacers would like to adopt the section from the tunnel to Jackson Road. Leslie will discuss this proposal with Herlon.

The date for the next meeting of the Friends of the Longleaf Trace was set for Thursday  July 9th, 12 noon at the Gateway USM.


Friends of the Trace Meeting


Quarterly Meeting

July 9th, 2009

Friends of the Trace Meeting - July 9

The meeting was called to order by President Leslie Farmer. Members in attendance were Becky Ryder, Ed Crockett and Kim Rutland.

The first order of business was a discussion of the sign/sculpture which is planed for the 7th Street area. President Farmer reported that an apartment complex has agreed to provide funds for the project which will involve the installation of art work and signs over the pipes that cross over the Trace. Member Becky Ryder stated that she had discussed this project with Jen Torres, member of the USM Art Department and that Jen will assist in the development of this project. President Farmer stated that she will contact all people involved and set up a meeting to discuss plans for this project.

The second order of business was a discussion of revising the topics and format of the Friends of the Trace Forum. Member Becky Ryder will work on this.

The next order of business was a discussion of the need for signs along the trace indicating the location of nearby restaurants and lodging. Herlon will be contacted on this matter, which will be discussed at the next meeting.

President Farmer then informed the members of the publication of a book, The Longleaf Trace Companion, which has been designated as the official guide to the Trace. This book, which was written by Tony Mozingo is available at local bookstores or from www.toottootpublishing.com The group then discussed the need for a social event which would include a book signing and Friends of the Trace membership drive. President Farmer will determine possible dates for the event and a decision will be made at the next meeting.

Members then discussed ideas for improving the appearance of the Trace and structures along the Trace. Member Becky Ryder will contact Longleaf Trace Manager Herlon Pierce regarding guidelines for  "Adopt the Trace" which will be a program whereby groups will adopt a section of the Trace and will be responsible for periodic cleaning. President Farmer will attempt to determine ownership of the warehouses at Classic Drive and discuss with them the possibility of improving the appearance of that building by having mural art painted on the sections that are visible from the Trace.

The next meeting of Friends of the Trace will be August 13 at noon at the Gateway.



Friends of the Trace Meeting


Special Meeting

August 13th, 2009

Members present were Becky Ryder, Ed Crockett, Leslie Farmer and Nancy Munn

President Leslie Farmer informed the group that a Nature Preserve is being developed by the University of Southern Mississippi on land near Jackson Road. There will be access from the Trace and the development will not interfere with trails that are being developed by the mountain biking group.

The second topic of discussion was the need to determine the cost of signs/artwork for the improvement/enhancement that is planned for the overhead pipe structure at 7th Street. The composition/type of signs need to be determined. A local apartment complex will be donating funds to this project.

Leslie distributed and the group then discussed the information that will be distributed as guidelines for the groups that will be adopting sections of the Trace for ongoing cleanup.

November 1 has been established as the date for the Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride. At this event, the Friends of the Trace will have a membership drive and Tony Mozingo will have a book signing for his book that has been adopted as the official guidebook for the Longleaf Trace.

The next meeting will be October 12, 2009 at noon at the USM Gateway building. It is suggested that attendees bring their lunch.


   2009 MinutesJan  Apr Jul  Aug