2010 MinutesJan Apr



Friends of the Trace Meeting


Quarterly Meeting

January 28th, 2009

Friends in attendance were President Leslie Farmer, and members Elmer Beardshall and Francis Farmer. Trial Boss Herlon Pierce also attended.

President Leslie Farmer proposed to have Francis Farmer assume the duties of President. By acclimation, this was approved.

The Spring ride was tentatively set for Sunday March 28th, 2010. It will be the Jerry Ryan Memorial and Membership Drive Ride. The ride will start at 1:30pm and a social with light refreshments will start at 4:00 after the ride. Members will be asked for a $15 donation. Persons who sign up as new members or renew their membership will ride free.

The group then discussed the progress on the 7th Street project. (creation and installation of a sign/structure at the pipes which are located over the Trace).  Becky Ryder has contacted the USM Art Department about the possibility of a faculty member or student creating a work of art for this project. Since Becky was AWOL, progress was unknown.

Nominations were opened for the annual Trailblazer award. Friend Elmer Beardshall nominated James Moore. President Francis Farmer asked Elmer to poll the other active members to see if they agreed or had other nominations.

Security on the Gateway to West Hills Drive was discussed. Some trail users have felt intimidated by persons loitering or refusing to yield right-of-way on this section. Trail Boss Herlon Pierce said that patrols by USM security and the HPD were unreliable. He has tried to personally patrol this section as often as possible. It was felt that having a set period (e.g. 4 hours during prime time) when this section would be patrolled hourly or oftener, would discourage persons trying to harass trail users. Mr. Pierce has proposed to the board that this be accomplished by a combination of HPD (paid) and Trace security (not maintenance or office) personnel.

Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that, although he has not as yet been officially notified, a government grant (earmark) has been approved by congress for approximately $500, 000 toward the planned improvements to the Beaver Pond facility.

Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that the Friends have a balance of $1750 in their 2010 budget account.

Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that the horse trail is in now in excellent shape from Epley to Lott Circle. The section from Lott Circle to Carson is under construction and is not yet usable.

Trail Boss Herlon Pierce reported that the Board has voted to honor some of the original board members by dedicating stations to them. Suitable ceremonies will be held at each station this Spring and Summer as preparations are completed for each station.

The date for the next meeting of the Friends of the Longleaf Trace was not set. Members will be notified by e-mail and by the posting on the Longleaf Trace web site.

Friends of the Trace Meeting


Quarterly Meeting

April 8th, 2009

Members in attendance were President Francis Farmer and Friends Leslie Farmer, Becky Ryder, Elmer Beardshall and Ann Beardshall.

President Farmer called the meeting to order and the following items were discussed.

1. President Farmer will establish a Friends of the Longleaf Trace Facebook page.

2. President Farmer has composed a letter of recognition for the recipient of the 10 Year Appreciation Award. This letter will be presented to the Longleaf Trace board for approval.

3. The Ride of Silence will be held May 19.

4. The Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride/Longleaf Trace Anniversary Ceremony will be held September 4. The ride will begin at the USM Gateway at 7:00 am. At 11:00 am there will be a ceremony to recognize the 10th anniversary of the dedication of the Trace. Following the ceremony, there will be a social for all participants. Vendors will be be invited to sell food and drink as well as demonstrate and sell products and services. There was a lengthy discussion regarding publicity, vendors, parking and transportation.

5. President Farmer informed the group that once the dorm construction is complete, the USM Gateway parking area will be relocated and will have a lot which will have 42 spaces.

6. President Farmer conducted a speaker phone conversation with Trail Master Herlon Pierce regarding the Anniversary celebration and other concerns relevant to the Trace. It was determined that the Friends of the Trace, pending approval of the Board, will provide funds to concrete the path leading from the trail to the rest area at Clyde Depot. Herlon will research the cost of having more permanent/larger trash cans at the rest areas.

7. Member Becky Ryder discussed the recently approved Adopt the Trace program whereby individuals, groups, or organizations will be responsible for periodic clean up of sections of the Trace. The first group to do this will be the Pine Belt Pacers on April 10. The group, assisted, by University of Southern Mississippi students, will pick up trash and other debris from the Gateway to Clyde Depot.

Becky Ryder, Secretary



   2010 Minutes:  Jan  Apr