John Irwin Lippincott Jr. |
This is an obituary for one of my very good friends from Houston. I met him over 30 years ago. When I think of him I always recall what a gentleman he was. When I ran with him he always made sure that he "protected" me by keeping himself between me and the traffic. He would literally stop traffic at cross streets so that we could cross safely. The times when we competed together on relays or other teams, he always had me go up and get the award. I could go on and on relating personal experiences that made him such a wonderful guy. I do want to relate one of our race experiences that illustrates how he believed in fairness and doing things right (after reading his obit, I now understand him even more). For many years John and I competed in a couples relay where the awards were based on the combined ages of the participants. At the time he was 55-60 years old and I was 45-50. Anyway, we usually won the 100-110 year category. Then one year there was this other couple that won. John was absolutely sure that they were not old enough. He even asked them and they told him their ages. Sure enough, their combined ages totaled 98. John was irate and called them cheaters. They defended themselves by saying that they thought that it was OK to enter the category based on the fact that their combined age would be 100 during the year of the event. Needless to say, John was not happy. I last saw John at a Houston Marathon expo a couple of years ago. The first thing he talked about was those cheaters and how we were the real winners. To me, John will always a winner. See Story Becky Ryder |