Club News 2/14: There are several "club runs" held each week. These consist of Tuesday Track at 5:15 pm at Thames, Saturday long runs at the Trace (time and distance vary), and Sunday morning 8 milers that leave from the Payne Center at 6:30 am. It has been suggested that we gather and post information from members who run at a regular time and are willing to have company. I am requesting that you email me the time/date/distance/pace of these runs and we'll come up with a way to make this information available to all members. We are also requesting that members continue to submit their times for inclusion in the "club records" section of the website. Send your best times for the distance of 2-mile, 5K, 10K, 12K, Half-Marathon and Marathon distances. Send these to Elmer or to me and I'll forward them to him. The member profile section of the website will soon be updated with new profiles. We are requesting that members who wish to write their own profiles or write one about another member, submit these as soon as possible. I have certainly enjoyed the creative writing that has recently appeared on the website and look forward to reading the new profiles. In other club news, with the renewal of the Sumrall family---Richie, Anita, Whitney and Neil, our membership roster is about the crack the magic 100 number. Also, be sure to check out the website www.pinebeltpacers.org for the recent changes and improvements. Please send any comments regarding the website to me and I'll pass them on to the webmaster. Becky Ryder |