Greetings Pine Belt Pacers! Lots of great things are happening in the running club this year. To stay up to date, I hope you are frequent visitors to www.PineBeltPacers.org. We have a great Web site that is full of information for you! I'd like to draw your attention to the latest note from our president, Jim Coll. He has given a run down of some of the great things our club has accomplished thus far this year, and also gives some information on upcoming events. To view Jim's message, click here. Coming up in three weeks is the Annual Pine Belt Pacer Relays. The event will take place on May 20, and will be preceeded with a dinner and silent auction on the May 19. Bidding is now open for the silent auction and will be open until May 19 through the conclusion of the dinner. Proceeds from the silent auction will go toward establishing a scholarship for track and field/cross country athletes at Southern Miss in the name of the Pine Belt Pacers. To view auction items or to make bids, click here. Be watching the Web site soon for details on event registration and the dinner. This Wednesday, May 3, join us for a Pine Belt Pacer meeting. We will meet at 5:30 at my house (Dawn's house) for a run with a few stops, then return for dinner, a brief meeting, and more fellowship. For information or directions, contact Dawn Smith. For questions or more information on any of these events, please contact Jim Coll or Dawn Smith. Run. For your Life! Dawn Smith |