The Pinebelt Pacers/ Forrest General Home Health booth, at USM Feb. 14th, was a success!! We didn't have a tremendous amount of traffic, but it was just right!! We instructed people in heart rate calculations and provided club information. Forrest General provided assorted goodies for our table as well as two door prizes that were given away at the end of the day.
There were several students that knew some of our runners pictured. They really got a kick out of that!! I also got several prospects who were interested in sponsoring our Hobble Gobble in November!!
Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you to Renee Ford, Nestor Anzola, Steve Ulery,
and Steve Eick (our dietician at home health and future Pinebelt Pacer). You guys made it fun!! I appreciated all of your help and the stimulating company. Thanks Again, Audrey