I met with the William Carey race organizers on Monday -- all nice folks by the way. I think they have done their homework and are fairly well along at this point for what I think will be a very nice event. Below are some notes from the meeting as well as what I obligated the PBP for: PBP Responsibilities Supply the race clock and mechanism to record splits Supply the race board and numbered labels I’ve volunteered to run the clock. I’ll need some training. We will record the finishing results and supply to WCC FCA once we get them together Race Notes Same course as last year, maps have been made and will be posted on our website. They will wheel the race course again to determine exact start and finish locations. They have a distance wheel. Maps will be posted at the registration table. Water/Gatorade stations will be at miles 1 and 2. Splits will also be called at those points. Post race refreshments/food to include: Gatorade, water, OJ, fruit muffins, granola bars, and other light breakfast foods The Award ceremony will be held in the gym, they will determine the awards. Note, no awards for Masters/Grandmasters as is typical. However, top two male and females get trophy and gift certificate to either Chesterfields/O’Charley’s. Also, they have gotten several good door prizes. 10 year type age class awards will be presented (as on their flyer), these will receive a medal. They have applied for a Parade Pass and will have police. They have requested an EMT from Wesley, but the last 2 years no one has shown up. They have ordered 100 t-shirts They have put information into the local papers. Are contemplating getting the results to the paper as well. I’ve sent an e-mail to Elmer to emphasize the 7:30 start time, registration begins at 6:30. PBP discount is $15, the same for pre-registered (regardless of when PBP’s register). They have a bike rider to guide the race and sentry throughout. Additionally, neon green signs will be posted at each turn. It sounds like these folks know what they are doing, since this is their third year I think it will be even better than previous. Hopefully we’ll have a good PBP turnout. Keith Hilpp |