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RUN FROM DRUGS 5k Run and 1 Mile Fun Run | |
April 28, 2007 | |
Registration Form | |
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A Fund Raiser for - Parents for a Drug Free Youth | |
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Pre-registration Race Day Registration | | Trophies will go to the First Overall Male | |
$15.00 for Individuals $20.00 for Individuals | | and Female, First Overall Grand Masters | |
$30.00 Family (up to 4) $40.00 Family (up to 4) | | Male and Female , First Overall Masters | |
| | Male and Female and to the top two finishers |
*Pinebelt Pacer members receive $5.00 off pre-registration. | | in the following age divisions for both male | |
| | and female. | |
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Registration will begin at 7:00 A.M. in the Parking lot of | | Male Female | |
the Ronald Whitehead Advanced Technology Center | | 19 and Under 19 and Under | |
in the Howard Technology Park. It is the 1st building | | 20 - 29 20 - 29 | |
once you enter the Tech Park off of the I-59 Entrance | | 30 - 39 30 - 39 | |
| | 40 - 49 40 - 49 | |
| | 50 - 59 50 - 59 | |
*The race will begin at 8:00 A.M. | | 60 and Above 60 and above | |
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Name: ______________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ | |
Address: ____________________________________________ Email: ___________________ | |
City: ____________________ Zip Code: ____________ Male / Female (Circle One) | |
Shirt Size: _________________ Age: ________ Pinebelt Pacers Member: Y / N | |
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Name: ______________________________________________ Shirt Size: ________________ | |
Age: ________ Male / Female (Circle One) Pinebelt Pacers Member: Y /N | |
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Name: ______________________________________________ Shirt Size: ________________ | |
Age: ________ Male / Female (Circle One) Pinebelt Pacers Member: Y /N | |
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Name: ______________________________________________ Shirt Size: ________________ | |
Age: ________ Male / Female (Circle One) Pinebelt Pacers Member: Y /N | |
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In consideration of accepting this entry, I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors and | |
administrators, waive and release all rights and claims for damages I may have against Parents for a Drug Free Youth its affiliates, all |
sponsors and other organizations associated with this race, their representatives, successors, and assigns, for any and all injuries |
suffered by me in said event or arising out of participation in said event. I attest that I am physically fit and have trained for this race. |
Further, I hereby grant permission to any and all photographs, video, recordings or any other records of this event for any purpose |
whatsoever. | | | |
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____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ |
SIGNATURE (If participant is under 18, please provide signature of parent or guardian) | |
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Mail Registration Form To: 5K RUN | | |
C/O Parents for a Drug Free Youth | |
Post Office Box 2904 | |
Laurel, MS 39442 |  |
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