FOG 5K, Sumrall
April 5, 2008

Thanks to Anita and Richie Sumrall for directing another great 5K and 1 mile fun run!!  Despite the cloudy, damp weather, there were over 30 participants.  The course was well marked, all runners stayed on track and a good run was had by all.  There were quite a few pacers running this morning and many of them were going to run another race in Petal this evening. I even met a few pacers that I now can put names with faces.   Pacers Bobby Ray Davis and Vicki Copeland were overall male and female, Phillip Wedgeworth won Grandmaster's even while battling an injury, and Master winner Richie Sumrall is coming back strong and healthy after battling numerous plantar foot injuries.  All the pacers running placed in their age group, and Donna Sumrall got a 1st place showing for her birthday.  It was really great seeing all my running friends run so well.  Oh, boy did I want to be out there with them all!! 
As usual, there were great gifts for the winners and numerous door prizes.  I highly recommend this race when it comes around next year.....and remember, this was a Gran Prix event!!  This race continues to grow and will only get better with time.  Thanks, once again, for a well run race!! © Audrey
Results:  Overall Male:  Bobby Ray Davis             20:11
            Overall Female:  Vicki Copeland               23:49
            Grandmasters Male:  Phillip Wedgeworth  21:30
            Masters Male:  Richie Sumrall                 21:02
            Masters Female:  Sondra Bradford           26:01
Age group awards Male:
0-14      1st  Sam Clark
            2nd  Andrew Adams
            3rd   Bo Henderson
30-34    1st   Scott Martin  23:11
            2nd   Charley Morgan  25:01
35-39    1st   Donald Coats  21:26
            2nd  Ray Henderson  28:56
            3rd   Steve Aultman  31:48
40-44     1st  Nestor Raul Anzola  22:37
             2nd  Chris West  34:17
45-49     1st  Terry Ingram  22:07
             2nd  Charles Jackson  23:24
             3rd  David Doig  23:29
55-59     1st    Frank Barrett
Age group awards Female:

25-29    1st  Jeanna Aultman  27:04
            2nd  Molisha Siders  30:20
            3rd  Jamie Walker  31:52
30-34     1st  Sherry Aultman 30:09
             2nd  Christie Hudson 30:34
             3rd  Brandi West  34:16
35-39     1st  Dawn Smith  24:12
             2nd  Kelly Spiers  24:16
             3rd  Dawn Aultman  27:12
40-44     1st  Traci Holland  42:29
45-49      1st  Donna Sumrall  30:14
              2nd  Wanda Hagan  41:55

Overall Winner Bobby Ray Davis, and GrandMasters Champion Phillip Wedgeworth (r to l)