Race Report by Audrey Jackson My race report and half marathon conclusion: Ok, so it is done. Did I like it or not? Will I or won't I be hooked? First let me say, the first 8 miles were wonderful (well except for that first mile where I had to dodge walkers who couldn't seem to figure out that maybe, just maybe they should HAVE STARTED AT THE REAR)!! Anyway, I had a good pace and felt strong, probably until 8 I'd say averaging about 8:30. So, at 5, I thought, well, time to do a gel. Did my gel, but no water, so I figured I would catch it at 6. At 6, still felt pretty good, did not want to slow up so took maybe a sip of water. At 8, my quads cramped like I have never felt cramping before. I mean like a giant hand grabbed them and was squeezing the life out of them, then, my calves followed. I thought, maybe another gel would help. Took another gel, followed by a sip of water. From then on, I just concentrated on making my legs go through the motions. This is not what I expected. I have never had cramps while running. I expected fatigue, but nothing like this. I probably averaged 12 minutes a mile from then on. I limped on while everyone I had passed, ran by me like I was standing still. Charles ran by me at 11 miles after slowing enough to tell me he drank a beer in the park. I wanted to kill him, but couldn't catch him to do it!! I mulled on this and thought about my training, what was different, and how things could have gone so wrong. I figure, that when I have been doing the long runs, I always gelled, and hydrated well. The one time I didn't I remember feeling bad. I thought because I felt so good at the beginning of the race, surely I could tough it out. It is easy for me to gel while I run, but not as easy to drink. I thought probably a few sips would do me ok. I talked to the dietician at work, and he agrees with my conclusion. I super concentrated the gels, and overloaded my body at a cellular level. He went on about cellular osmosis etc. All I know is that I was stupid!! Anyway, I learned a lesson. (Why do I have to bang my head against a brick wall)? So having said all of this, will I do this again? Yes, minus the stupid part. I actually was enjoying the run until mile 8. Mile 8 thru 13.1 was the hardest run I have ever had. I still reached my spoken goal of under 2:00 hours, (my secret goal was around 8:35 to 8:45, and it was within reach). What I also observed in other people is that these longer runs challenge not just the physical but the mental. Much more so than these shorter runs. There were so many challenges that were personal to each runner. I saw very extreme highs, and very extreme lows. You know, running can break your heart, or take you to euphoric highs. I believe once a runner, we always come back to running. We may take a "vacation" from it, we may hate it for a while, but we always long for that perfect run or race. Charles disagrees, he runs for the beer. He says it never disappoints. Ah, well, we all run for our own reasons!! I put too much thought into it, he puts none!! Anyway, it is done, I will run another half. Maybe never a whole, but, we will see. _________________ Catch you on the run!! Audrey Race Report by Ginny Dufrene Ok, I will get the reporting started. First, zuesrun I have your packet from the half marathon. Email about getting it. Chad and I worked most of the day on the house remodel and then we left around 4:30 to get to New Orleans just in time to pick up my packet for the half marathon. I have to admit, Sat. evening I was a little bumbed out that I was not running the full marathon. This was only my second attempt at a half marathon because I always opt to run the full. When I woke up this morning I was ready to get the party started. I hoped that I could run between 8:30 and 8:40 pace, but wasn't sure. We started the race, and I quickly realized that I made the mistake of starting too far back. (I was thinking, it's chip timing, it doesn't matter where I start. Why I forget about the problems with the bigger races, I am not sure, I guess because it is such a flat course, I love that) I was bobbing and weaving around slower runners, walkers, and parked cars. My hope to run 8:30 pace each mile turned into 9:31 for the first mile, and 9:13 pace for the second mile. When I finally made it out of traffic, I knew I had a lot of time to make up. Fortunately, my body responded and the following miles were quicker than expected, mile 3 - 8:16, 8:10, 8:15, 8:19, 8:34 (I think this was a water stop, that sounds good, right?), 8:22, 8:19, 8:35 (h20??), 8:15, 8:29, 8:09, 1:54. During the race, I can't tell you how many times I thought about how happy I was to be running the half instead of the full. For me, it would have been REALLY hot by the end of the full marathon. I ended the race with a time of 1:52, the Garmin said 13.23 miles, an average of 8:30 pace. Charles was smart to point out that the extra mileage was probably from all of the bobbing and weaving. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed the quick trip to New Orleans, getting away from the remodel, and visiting with many of the pacers. Let me just say "RAUL - you are THE MAN" Way to go! That coffee must be a great recover drink. I drink a lot of coffee, but mine must be too weak. Keep up the great racing. Audrey, congrats on finishing your first half. Charles congrats on improving your half marathon time. Congrats to all of the pacers. Race Report by Nestor Raul It was a great day to run in New Orleans. The day started a little cold and chilly, but temperatures rapidly climbed to confortable 50-60's during the race. I was not sure how good or bad my legs would respond after running in Pensacola last Sunday. I just placed myself in the front of the pack to avoid weaving too much at the first mile. It worked fine. I passed the first mile in 7:30, 15:00 in mile 2, 22:40 in mile 3 and then forgot about the clock and kept a steady pace until mile 7 in Audobon Park. After that point I started to fade, but fortunately my pace never came over 8:20-8:30/m. I stopped, drank some Gatorade, and walked a couple of yards in every single fluid station. Jim Coll passed me around mile 9 and told me to keep it up! I barely could do it. I could also see fellow Pacer Jim Ford 80-100 yards in front of me from mile 7 to mile 12, but was never able to get closer or catch him. At the end, he picked up his pace and finished 1 minute ahead of me. I managed to reach the finish line in 1:43:27 and improved my time for the half marathon distance in 2 minutes and 49 seconds. Well... I can't complain about it!! It was a nice week for running and competing. I guess it won't be repeated for a while!! Now I am back in the 5K and 10K races. After the race, I had a great time sharing experiences, gossips, and bull... with some friends from the NOLA area and with my fellow Pine Belt Pacers. Everyone had a good time in New Orleans! What is next? the Crescent City Classic or the Azalea Trail Run? See you all there! General Results | |||
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