Pursuit of Fun 5K 
Saturday May 16, Gulfport, MS

I went with my family yesterday to the Pursuit of Fun 5K in Gulfport, MS.  I ran the 5K just for fun (24:51).  I think I just did the first half mile strong and then drastically slowed down since it was a hot and extra humid morning.  I ran and walked the 1m fun race with my oldest son, and my wife did it with the youngest one. Then we had some delicious after-race food, and enjoyed the waterpark for a couple of hours. What a good workout! $$ Wink

I met with the Henderson family there! Ray placed third in his age group whereas Bob was second overall among the boys in the 1m run. Meanwhile, Jennifer placed third in the race walk event.  Resulted can be found in the Gulf Coast Running Club page --> 


 I have to agree 100% with Bob Clark's report of the event, so I am just including here what he wrote in GCRC forum on the Pursuit of Fun 5K.  

Bob said:
"After 30 years of running GCRC races Today had to rank as one of the best 5K's we have ever had. Entry fee was cheap. the course was a plane old out and back. Not much to see and very little shade. The after race more than made up for any short coming of a scenic course. I have got to say this, if you have time to look at the scenery you aren't working hard enough.
The after race had plenty of food and drink plus your entry fee entitled you to all day at the water park. Now get this entry fee at the park was 27 bucks. entry for the race was 15 dollars. They offered a 5 dollars off for friends and family. Ok here's a tip next year skip the 5 bucks off and enter the race. Don't even bother to run and you still get the t shirt and food. The water park was great. Lots of slides and water. Plenty to do for the kiddies and for us dirty old men the view was fantastic. It more than made up for the lack of scenery on the race course