Trek the Trace 08-25-2009

Trek The Trace – Finding Your Running Partner

The second Trek the Trace held on August 25th, was a big success. Everybody got together at 6:00 P.M. to support the run. Before the run, we had a really nice class about Pilates. Christy Turner taught us some exercises to develop the body center core. I was very glad to see all the runners participating of the class. This helped as warm up and stretch for the run.

About 6:30 we aligned at the starting line. This time I was able to run, having as a partner my old friend, "The Ironman" Jim Coll. While we were running I enjoyed looking the camaraderie and the wondering of all the participants, about if they were going too fast or to slow. We had 30 participants, running in 15 teams. All of them had a lot of fun.

I was not surprised by the couple that won that day, Becky Ryder and Kelly Spiers, the experienced coach (Who was not wearing her Ipod that day) counted step by step the 2 miles keeping Kelly on track to be as close as 7 seconds of their predicted time. The winners received a nice Pilates ball to practice what they learned that day.

Later we enjoyed the pizza provided by the Pine Belt Pacers and all the other dishes every brought to the event. We enjoyed the good music from the 80’s , chat, eat and dance remembering good times.

As always, I like to give especial thanks to Hollie Ryder, Nestor Anzola, and Charles Jackson for all your help. Also, I like to give especial thanks to Ed Curtis, who helped with the setup and the finish line.

At the end, everybody agreed that run is easier when you have a running partner.

See you next week for the last and the best Trek The Trace 2009.

Kily Garcia