Mighty Magnolia Triathlon 10/08/2011 |
To tell you the truth, I was not looking forward to the Mighty Magnolia. This is the 4 th year of our local race and I have never done it. I have volunteered several years but there was always a reason I was unable to compete. I let things get in the way so I would not have to race. You see, I hate racing this late in the year. By the time October rolls around I have already peaked, crashed and peaked again. I am worn out from the summer. I have also already started my marathon base building. But this year was different. I signed up for the race the first week registration opened. I knew that if I waited I would have another reason to not sign up. Heck, last year I even had a promotional entry (that I won at an auction) that I donated to another athlete. I wished that I had gone ahead and raced last year. I regretted not competing. But once again, by the time race week rolled around I was not excited. I must admit that it was nice sleeping in my own bed and waking up at a reasonable hour and still getting to the race site with plenty of time to spare. Read more at www.powermultisport.com