Buffalo Peak Outfitters

Adventure Mississippi Trail Run


8K or 5K


Saturday April 3rd -- Start time 8:00 a.m.


Choctaw Trails (MS College), Clinton, Ms


Awards:  Overall male and female: $100 gift certificate


Tons of great door prizes and giveaways.


Registration fee:   $15 on or before April 1st - $20 late entry








Name_______________________________________________Age:________ Sex:_______


Distance:      5K_______ or  8K_________






Make checks payable to Buffalo Peak Outfitters. Mail entry form, or drop it by

Buffalo Peak Outfitters   115 Highland Village   Jackson, MS, 39211.

Phone: 601-366-2557   email: info@buffalopeak.net


Wavier: In consideration of this entry acceptance, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrator, waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Buffalo Peak Outfitters and Mississippi College and any individuals connected with the sponsoring of this race, and for any injuries, loss or death sustained by me. I am in good physical condition for this race.


Signature____________________________________________________              Date:___________


(If participant is under 18 years old, parent or guardian must sign.)