Thanks for participating in the Starr Mountain Wilderness Run.  We enjoyed meeting all of you and hope you had as much fun as we did.  Here are the results – which will appear in Ultrarunning, on the website and in a few Track Club newsletters (Huntsville for sure).  Sorry for those of you who do not see “seconds” next to your time.  If you have any questions, please let us know.



Starr Mountain Run




1.      Mark Luadblad                  M         35        4:32:23 NC      - 1st Open Male

2.      Micheal Allen                     M         46        4:32:44 AL       - 1st Masters Male

3.      Tom Possert                       M         41        4:56                 TN       - 2nd Masters Male

4.      Dewayne Satterfield            M         39        4:59:55 AL      

5.      Brian Costilow                    M         30        5:11:20 TN

6.      Drew Shelfer                      M         29        5:11:27 NC

7.      Annie Riddle                       F          37        5:11:34 NC      -1st Open Female

8.      Jerry Letendre                    M         42        5:16:55 SC      

9.      Tim Stroh                           M         42        5:37:58 GA      

10.  Randy McFarland               M         43        5:44:24 AL      

11.  Matt Davies                        M         30        5:49:33             TN      

12.  Calvin Hill                           M         33        5:50                 TN      

13.  Mike Howard                     M         50        5:52:02 KY     

14.  Becky Finger                      F          40        6:05:09             GA       - 1st Masters Female

15.  Henri Richard                     M         48        6:07:53 AL      

16.  Kathleen Daumer                F          29        6:11:30 FL        - 2nd Open Female

17.  Jesse Wilson                       M         28        6:11:31 TN      

18.  Rick Gray                           M         43        6:26:38             TN      

19.  Ralph Veytia                       M         53        6:27:44 SC      

20.  John Burnett                       M         45        6:28:31 AL      

21.  Kathy Youngren                 F          29        6:28:32 AL      

22.  Andrew Hackett                 M         37        6:28:33 GA      

23.  Robert  Youngren               M         29        6:31:44 AL      

24.  Jason Barringer                   M         34        6:31:50 GA

25.  Leon Harmon                     M         54        6:33:39 NC     

26.  Michael Montgomery          M         57        6:45:50 TN      

27.  Zach Harris                        M         22        6:45:50 GA      

28.  Kenneth Sirois                    M         57        6:54:54 TN      

29.  Stephanie Pepper               F          23        6:56:35 TN      

30.  Wayne Flatt                        M         38        6:56:35 TN      

31.  Nobuhiko Kataoka M         49        6:57:35 TN      

32.  Greg Good son                   M         20        7:15                 GA

33.  Rob Apple                         M         42        7:17:15 TN      

34.  Wesley Fenton                   M         43        7:22:38 OH     

35.  Jay Gresham                       M         47        7:2:15               NC     

36.  Stuart Abcug                      M         32        7:26:20 GA      

37.  Joe Kallo                            M         29        7:28                 IL

38.  Joe Pringle                          M         44        7:28                 GA      

39.  Cheryl Ibarra                      F          52        7:28:50 AL       - 2nd Masters Female

40.  Richard Williams                 M         37        7:32:43 TN      

41.  Michael Slayton                  M         32        7:35:41 TN      

42.  Andrew Colee                    M         57        7:38:32 FL       

43.  Donnie Freeman                 M         32        7:42:02 TN      

44.  Sarah Tynes                       F          37        7:42:02 GA      

45.  Brad Smythe (Birthday)      M         26        7:45:18 NC     

46.  Joshua McGuire                 M         28        7:45:18 TX      

47.  Iva Lightsey                        F          43        7:56:13 MS     

48.  James Cutting                     M         39        8:07:01 AL      

49.  Jack Edmonds                    M         56        8:08:50 AR      

50.  Larry Robbins                    M         60        8:22:32 GA      

51.  Duane Grigg                       M         53        8:28:19 MO     

52.  Hiram Byrd                        M         56        8:30:14 AR

53.  Raz Esteridge                     F          50        8:38:28 MS     

54.  Brenton Floyd                    M         19        8:51                 TN      

55.  Joseph Wright                    M         50        8:54:50 KY     

56.  Angela Renea Ivory            F          36        8:54:50 TN      

57.  Mike Owens                      M         58        9:07:22 TN      

58.  Lynn DiFiore                      F          36        9:27:39 NC     

59.  Dian DuBois                       F          52        9:37:22 MI      

60.  Henry Rueden                    M         54        9:37:22 WI


Tom Ibarra                   M         56        7:41:18 AL – ran 8 then started 50k

Jason Bagwell               M         29        7:43                 TX       27 Miles


73 Registered

67 Starters



























8 Mile


1.      Tom Ibarra             M         56        1:19                 AL       -1st Masters Male

2.      Matt Sims                           M         32        1:22                 TN       -1st Open Male

3.      Natalie Sims                       F          30        1:22                 TN       -1st Open Female

4.      Nancy Seiters                     F          30        1:23                 TN       -2nd Open Female

5.      Randall Holmes                  M         45        1:27                 AL       -2nd Masters Male

6.      Joel Reagan                        M         42        1:38                 TN      

7.      Andrea Smythe                   F          23        1:38                 TN      

8.      Mary Browning                  F          39        1:42                 TN      

9.      Tammy Gray                      F          49        1:46:24 TN       -1st Masters Female

10.  Chris Redman                     M         36        1:46:24 TN       -2nd Open Male

11.  Brenda Cummings  F          63        1:47                 AL       -2nd Masters Female

12.  Drew White                        M         26        1:49:30 TN

13.  Bethany White                    F          26        1:49:48 TN      

14.  Andrea Reagan                   F          39        1:49:49 TN      

15.  Allison Kallo                       F          30        1:55                 IL

16.  Ryan Smoot                       M         29        1:58                 TN      

17.  Zach Flynn             M         13        2:13                 AL

18.  Leo Flynn                           M         50        2:13                 AL

19.  Sharon Fenton                    F          43        2:15                 OH     

20.  Andy McBreen                   M         36        2:27                 TN      

21.  Marcia Owens                    F          54        2:28                 TN      



26 Registered

21 Starters