Stump Jump in Chattanooga,
TN was a wet one. It was misting on the way to
the race start and a slow drizzle started minutes after
the gun went off and continued
throughout the entire day. Occasionally, there would be a short
Race director told me at Starr Mountain race earlier this year
that he would have the yellow jackets
under control. It was better this year. The only
reports of bee stings I heard came from Rob Apple. He got
stung on his calf and Randy Saxon got
stung on his wrist. Nearly everyone got stung last year.
Randy Saxon finished the race in 6:09 and had the audacity to
complain saying that if he had known
that he was that close to six hours, he would
have picked up the pace to break six. Some people are
never happy.
Iva Lightsey got lost again. That's three for her. However, she
was accompanied by Dennis Bisnette and
David Dill on this excursion. I
understand that Bill Matheny from the Gulf Coast was along, too.
I also understand that they and some
other runners missed the Rock Garden. The
hardest part of the entire course.( Sounds like that may
have been a devious plan to avoid the
hardest part and claim getting lost.) They were running up
and down a highway instead.
It is alleged that some markers had been taken down and placed
sending the runners down the wrong path. They came upon an aid
station and
the workers sent the misguided runners down the highway,
hopefully, to get
them back on course again.
Raz Estridge completed the 11 mile race. Plans were to run the
50k, but due to lack of training for
various stressful reasons, wasn't able to keep up
the mileage needed to run this course and opted to do the
diaper dash.
Got two dozen cookies from our friend, Herb Hedgecock of KY
fame. He cooked for "three wicked
women", as he called us. I won't tell who the other two
wicked ones are. I bet most could guess one of them.
P.I.? How'd you know?
Great to see Adventure Racer, Linda Sledge. About as big as a
minute and one tough-as-nails athlete.
There were many newly made friends there as well as old
acquaintances. It was great to see
everybody. Especially, my Mississippi friends who have renamed
themselves from the Whiner's Club to If you are following
me, you are lost.
Check for results at:

Poison Ivy (alias
Iva Lightsey) drying
off after the race

Ultra Dressing Room
Randy Saxon, Dennis, and PI share a unisex facility

An Ultra shower

Dennis Bisnette is
ready to jump stumps

PI can still dance!

Rob Apple finishes
(his 391st Ultra) |