Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run My First Crew Job
It all started several months ago when I felt the desire to
do something really nice for Rob Apple for being so kind and giving to me.
Seemed that I had been on the receiving end for quite some time and it was
bearing on my mind that I needed to give back. I gave it great thought about
what I could possibly do. Then I began to think about Western States. My
original plan was to make a surprise appearance at the finish line. Fly into I gave this much more thought and pestered Rob about my going to Western States. He tried to discourage me. To put this in his perspective, I was the horse that could not be broken. He finally gave in to me and said that if I was going to make that trip, then make it worthwhile and crew. He tried to tell me how difficult that was going to be and I understood that, but I still wasn’t discouraged. I was willing to give it my best shot.
After much discussion, I finally got to reserve my flight
for The next big problem was getting off from work on Friday, June 25th. I had all kinds of little plots cooking until a co-worker told me that one of the bosses would be off that week on vacation leaving an assistant available to work in my place. What kind of luck is that? I asked her to work and she gladly accepted. I would have liked Monday off from work, but that was going to be impossible for reasons I won’t list here. No need to waste my time to ask for an extra day. I e-mailed my itinerary to Rob and then we began to plan. He advised what kind of clothing I would need for the all night vigil and informed me that I would need to have food during this time as well. This trail is not downtown. When you get to a crew accessible area, you either have or have not and if you have not, perhaps another crew person may have and share with you or you just do without. I left my home in I arrived in N.O. with plenty of time to spare. We boarded the aircraft and as I was inching my way to my
seat, a fellow who was in front of me moved to the side and to my great
surprise stood another ultra running friend from We got together in Had a lot of turbulence on the way to CA,
which just made me smile from ear to ear. Landed in Jerry waited for me and we rode the shuttle to the car
rentals and then Jerry said that I could follow him to Got to the hotel thankfully without getting in an accident or causing any. As I stepped out of the car, I got a big whiff of cedar. The forest is full of cedar trees and they give off their odor just like our pine trees. Arose at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday to pack up all my junk and to prepare for the journey ahead. We had to be at the race start to check in no later than 4:00 and to pick up bib numbers. I met some other ultra runners whose names I have been seeing many times in Ultra Running Magazine as they came in to pick up their numbers. What an exciting pre-race time for me. It is five a.m. on Saturday at
Sharon, who is the wife of Wesley Fenton of
Sharon, and her parents and I drove back to the hotel to prepare our cooler with ice, sports drinks, water, and various types of food. After we made preparations for ourselves and anything else that we thought Rob and Wesley might need, we made the two hour drive to the first crew accessible aid station. This is called Robinson Flat, which is about 24.6 miles from the start. It was exciting watching some of your favorite runners coming through while waiting for your own runner. It was hard finding a shady place to sit. There were hundreds of people waiting for their runners and since they got a head start on us they got the choice places. We had to settle for a semi shady spot about a quarter of a mile from the aid station. Sharon and I kept making trips down the hill to the station keeping a lookout for a good place to move. Eventually, we found a great place under a huge cedar tree right next to the station. We had a long wait and the scenery along the road going to the station was beautiful. I took my camcorder and hiked up the hill to get some awesome shots of the mountains. We were very happy when Rob and Wesley came in. They had to be weighed before they could do anything. We had borrowed some lawn chairs for Rob and Wesley to sit. Gave them some Gatorade and orange soda and refilled their water bottles. Rob changed his socks and then they were on their way. A shuttle was provided to and from the parking area, but the
service had stopped by the time we were ready to leave. We had a cooler, two
lawn chairs that Sharon’s parents were using, two beach towels, two backpacks,
camcorder, and some bagged food to lug up this steep hill that was about a half
mile long, but seemed to be five miles long.
We had not gone far when a pickup truck stopped loaded with runners to offer a ride. We piled in with them to go to the intersection where we needed to get off to walk another quarter up a steep hill to the car.
After we got our car, we were afforded an opportunity to do our good deed for the day when we assisted a crewperson and a pacer with a ride up the steep grade. Another scenic drive to the next station that is named Michigan Bluff at 55.7 miles. It was about twenty-one miles to this station, but took a while to get there because the roads are two lanes and nothing but hills and hairpin curves. Can’t go more than 40 mph most of the time unless you want to get an up close look at the bottom of these canyons. We didn’t have to wait very long for Rob and Wesley to come down the trail into the station. I didn’t know exactly what Rob needed at Robinson Flat, but I made some mental notes and had it all rehearsed and ready when he arrived at Michigan Bluff. He had a drop bag placed there earlier by race officials containing socks, a flashlight and a dry pair of shoes. I helped him change his socks, shoes and refilled his water bottle and assisted him in getting other items he needed out of the backpack that I was carrying to each station.
Loaded up our gear after they left and drove to the next
point, which is Sharon and I were sitting in the roped off crew area when suddenly we heard Wesley’s name called out that he had arrived. Seconds later, we heard Rob’s name called. They got there before we had expected them to.
Again, we borrowed some chairs for them to sit down for a few minutes. Gave them some refreshments and then they left out and disappeared into the darkness. We arrived at Green Gate in almost total darkness. This place is in the middle of nowhere. The sky was clear and we could see the Milky Way and the moon was about a quarter full and bright. The path to the aid station was 1.5 miles down a long steep, very rutty and rocky, winding hill. The moon did provide enough light that if you went very carefully, you could walk without a flashlight. Sharon and I were carrying too much weight to risk a fall or a twisted ankle and used one. Luckily for us, Rob had provided a flashlight. Sharon and I had to share it since she didn’t have one. The night was very cool, but we worked up a sweat going downhill. Got settled down near the roped off area reserved for crews. It was a very small place and the rules were you had to wait outside the roped area and wait for your runner’s name and bib number to be called out before you could enter. The runners were announced as they left from the Rucky Chucky (river crossing) at 78.0 miles. This gave the crews time to set up for their runner before they arrived.
As we waited for Rob and Wesley, we cooled down rather
quickly. This was a really neat aid station. The runners were treated to Christmas lights strung on each side of the trail just before entering the well lit and well-stocked aid station. There were two gas-operated generators providing the power for the lights. There were more colorful lights strung at the departure area.
This is the place that I started nodding off to sleep with
my eyes open. I didn’t know that I could do that. I looked back over my
shoulder at
The fellows came in and we gave them more Gatorade and
orange soda. They didn’t want to hang around very long. No shoe or sock
changes. They were in and then they were out. They waved good-bye and saying
that they will see us in Sharon and I worked up another sweat going back up this long hill. It took us nearly thirty minutes to get to the top where our car was parked. We were lucky that we got a place so close. Some folks had to walk at least another mile to their car. Sharon and I wanted to see Rob and Wesley one more time
before the finish. We agreed to go to 49’er Crossing
which was on the way to
Across the highway, we could see runners coming. We kept
looking for the blue shirts that Rob and Wesley were wearing. Eventually, we
did see those shirts and They were not only surprised to see us, but they expressed that they were glad to see us. Wesley gave his water bottle to We drove happily to Pacers and crewpersons are allowed to accompany their runners from Robie Point, which is at 98.9 miles. I quickly changed into running clothes and ran down to Robie Point to meet them. It wasn’t a long wait, but I was so anxious to see them that it seemed like an eternity passed. I saw them coming and yelled, “Come on Buds!!”(Rob and Wesley call each other Bud.) Rob was so tired at this point that he didn’t know who was standing there yelling. He broke out in a big smile when it clicked in his tired brain.
I accompanied them to the high school stadium where they have to go around the track to the finish. I cut across the field to join Sharon and her parents at the finish to watch the Grand Finale. As they came around the track their names, bib numbers and where they were from was announced. A finisher’s medallion was hung around their necks. The belt buckles will be awarded later on in the afternoon. What a weekend! Tiring but fulfilling. It’s like running an ultra. It may be uncomfortable at times, but well worth it all at the finish. This will be a trip that I will be talking about for a very long time. Congratulations to Rob Apple and Wesley Fenton for a job well done!! Thanks, Rob, for letting me be a part of Western States. Thanks to Let’s do it again! RAZ My flight was at 3:30 Sunday afternoon out of Boarded my five hour flight to I went into the panic mode knowing that I HAD to get some sleep. I found a flight attendant and explained my dilemma and she gave me permission to move to a seat nearer the front farther away from Big Lungs that could be heard all over the plane, but I was far enough away that I could go to sleep which I promptly did for about three hours of the flight. Landed in New I did pretty well until I got about halfway home and then the sleepiness started settling in again. I took a sip of Coke every time I felt very sleepy. Eventually, the Coke was gone and I had to do something else to keep my eyes open. I remembered nodding off to sleep with my eyes open at Green Gate and that horror was forever on my mind. I took my hat off and leaned forward on the steering wheel, turned up the radio to ear blasting loud and had the AC on high to keep it too cold. I used the empty Coke bottle for a drumstick to beat on the steering wheel as I swayed to and sang with the radio and resorted to beating myself about the shoulders and head. Luckily for me, no one was around to get a picture or tape this activity. Hat hair, no makeup, eyes looking like roadmaps with circles underneath and beating myself with a Coke bottle. A picture of that would have been enough proof for anyone to send me immediately to the nuthouse. Yes, I had to get home. My boss was expecting me to be at work at seven this same morning. No time to stop and sleep. I arrived at my home at 2:15 Monday morning, got a few hours sleep and off to work I went. I, at last, have
finished my personal ultra!