Byram Courthouse Racquet & Fitness
Swinging Bridge 5K
Saturday July 15 2006

Phillip Wedgeworth and Nestor Raul Anzola represented the Pine Belt Pacers at the Byram Courthouse Racquet & Fitness Swinging Bridge 5K on Saturday, July 15. This was a usual Mississippi summer race; the weather was very hot and humid and the course had a really big hill.  After a few instructions from MTC race director, Jack Ward, we were off. Most people started slower than usual today, but it turned into a two man race with Miles Martin beating Mike Thrailkill at the end. The leaders ran a 5K, but the rest of us were a little confused with the course and ran about a tenth of a mile further. There was no cone at the turn around; however there was a cone a little further down the road, so most of us ran to the cone and turned around. Yolanda Brown was the winning female. Mike Thrailkill and Miriam Alred were the Masters winners, and Phillip Wedgeworth and Julie Harrison were the Grand Masters winners. Taylor Porter and Elizabeth Howard won the race walk. Carolyn Graham was the Masters winner in the race walk. Samuel Martin and Donna Gonzales were the Grand Masters winners in the race walk. After the race we enjoyed ice cream, watermelon, cookies, and plenty of water. In my opinion the showers at the Courthouse are the best thing going for this race. Thanks to all of the MTC people who work so hard to put on quality races.  
See Complete results.
© Phillip Wedgeworth

Pijume Diwesi adds: Cones in the race are killing me!  I have been trying to run a little faster in the last weeks and set a PR in the 5k during the summer of 2006, but it seems I will have to wait another year to get it right.  My objective was to run the distance under 23 minutes (current PR is 22:58).  However, for a second time in a row, the "turn-around" cones have made me run weird distances and postpone my goal one more time.  Last week in Paul B. Johnson, it was 3.26 miles; this time in Byram it was 3.22 miles.  Calculations of the estimated time for a 5K would let me say "Yes , I got the PR"; however, they are just calculations!! They are not real "official 5K times" and will not be accepted for the Guinness World Raulian Record Book.  Should I stop the whining and crying and just be happy with my recent walking record? (Watermelon Classic, 5k in 32:22).  Nooooooo!

Please, please, please Pine Belt Pacers, don't use cones at the MDA Labor Day 5K Run.  Since I'll be participating in the Heart of Dixie Triathlon this Saturday and then the San Francisco Marathon next week, it seems that the Labor Day run will be the last opportunity to achieve the 5K personal record.  Why? I am thinking seriously about abandoning the running career and becoming again a full time couch potato in the near future (watching TV 24/7, running 0.1 mile to the refrigerator per week, eating a lot of pizza, cookies, chips, soft drinks, junk food..... mmmmm...yummy-yummy!!). © Pijume Diwesi

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