Bear (who claims to be a Pine Belt Pacer member but
does not appear on the official rolls) and F. B. Yaun went to Birmingham
for the Oak Mountain 50K
trail run. Fat Boy is
a nickname affectionately given to F.B. by his wife. She claims that
she didn't know Yaun stood for You're an Ultra Nutcase when she married
Fat Boy. F.B. and Running
Bear were in no way prepared for the rigors of this particularly
masochistic course and
just went to the race for the fun of proving it? And so that Ann
and friend Marty could help with the aid stations.

Running Bear and F. B. enjoy the 34 degree weather
before the start

Iva Lightsey and Randy Saxon (in the distinctive
orange MS 50 shirt)
were there and did well

Iva shmoozing with the famous Rob Apple before the
Sadly, Rob did not bring his infamous sidekick?!

Over 100 folks signed up and about that many started.
Note that R.B. and F.B. were not last.

Dennis Bisnette, the Mississippi 50 Race director, and Iva
round the first corner
at the 1/4 mile mark. Note that R.B. is now last.

Dennis coming in to the North Aid Station at 8 miles

F.B. Starts up the blue trail. It gets steep later.

Despite their best efforts to start out slow and
taper off later,
R.B. and F.B. kept getting passed,
due to their superior navigation skills,
as other runners took wrong turns

There was a new swinging bridge over the large creek
at the picnic grounds

Falls at the Oak Mountain Lake dam

more!- see page 2 |