Steve Ulery on the November 4,
2006 Food World, Senior Bowl,
Charity Run
Hattiesburg was well represented
at this annual 10K run in Mobile on Nov. 4, and we all ran
some good times. We were also challenged by the traveling
group from the Gulf Coast - Dwight, Nancy, Bob and Leonard.
I warmed up with Keith Barrett, and for once, did not let
him exhaust me before the actual event. Then while trying
to keep warm (about 40F) in the final ten minutes before the
start, I watched the Brooks-Hanson Running Team do strides
to keep warm. Their strides were so fast they generated a
breeze, and this team did win all the top finishing places
in both men's and women's divisions. The starter said he
misplaced his flag, but we sang the National Anthem with
everyone facing different directions looking for a flag. I
saw a guy wearing American Flag shorts and sang to them.
What else are you going to do? I had my picture taken with
Becky "Broccoli" Ryder, then went and lined up near the
I ran steady for the first four
miles then slowed slightly. Before the gun, John Oliveri
introduced me to a new friend named Cody. At the half way
point, Cody moved up beside me and we kept it steady until
about mile 4.5, then I urged him to pick it up. He was
trying to drag me along with him, but he is way too young
for this old guy to hang with. Cody took off and finished
in 43:15 for his first race- NOT first 10K, first race!!!
When I got to the finish line, I was greeted by a relaxed,
fully recovered Nestor. I never saw him pass me and
couldn't believe he ran that fast after the first mile.
Well, he gave me some BS story about trailing me all the way
to the one mile mark, and feeling sorry for such an old
runner with a hitch in his gate, so he gave me a break and
cut his race to the 5K distance. Not only did he think I
should be thankful, he gloated that he ran a PR for his 5K!
Merry missed us for pictures at the finish line, so action
shots are limited. Thus, finding no respect at the finish
line, I went for a quick cool down run, and found Deborah
Barrett about a half mile from the finish. She allowed me
to run back in with her as long as I did not aggravate her.
My wife telIs me I am a saint, and have only aggravated her
once in my life. Why does Deborah think of me as an
agitator? Well later the women compared notes and Merry
confirmed that I have only agitated her once... and it's
still going on!
Like I stated earlier, the PBP
team and friends ran well. Leonard Vergunst was the big
winner in our group and got a trophy that was much fancier
and more ostentatious then the neck candy many of us
received. Leonard was the Masters winner (36:23) even
though he is now a Grand Master. He just still runs faster
than anyone ten years younger! Some of the age group awards
(5 deep for the 10K) and finishing places are:
John Oliveri 39:48
PR #4 in age
Keith Barrett 41:07
#6 in age
Cody 43:15
First Race #6 in age
Audrey Jackson 48:21 First
10K #2 in age
Becky Ryder 52:43
#2 in age
Steve Ulery 43:52 PR
#5 in age
Nancy Phillips 56:49
#6 in age
Deborah Barrett 1:07:00 #1
in Barrett household (she told me so)
Hollie Ryder 1:17:41 10K
Dwight Hollingsworth 51:17
#28 in age
Bob Clark 48:08
#9 in age
If I forgot anyone I saw at the
race, just excuse it as old timers memory.
Some people are clueless. At the
food fair, I overheard a couple of burley motorcyclists,
dressed in the typical black leathers, laughing at runners
because, "they run all those miles, then undo it by stuffing
themselves with all this food." Well, they were stuffing
themselves with our food (and beer), but it was obvious they
had not run for decades! To show you how clueless some of
the sponsors were, Budweiser provided the beer - a low carb
beer. Since when have runners been against carbs? Keith
and I had to drink a couple six packs just to get the energy
to stagger back to our cars! They ran out of the high carb
jambalaya early. However, most refreshments were great and
plentiful. The award ceremony took forever. Since they
added the 5K this year, there were twice as many awards to
pass out. Also, the young people's age groups were in two
year increments making the presentations even longer. The
stage barely supported the weight of the hardware.
A beautiful day and a great
event. Wish you were there. Nestor was.
@ Steve Ulery See Results
Picture legend:
1- Steve "Big Sugar" Ulery gets
some pre-run encouragement.
2- The lineup includes the
Brooks-Hanson Team.
3- We are off!!
4- John, Cody and Steve after the
5- Pushing for the finish... 2nd
time staging.
6- Deb brings it home! (in real
7- Keith, Deb, Cody and John
8- A medal winning group.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Just a couple of additional words to tell you about the other Pacers running the Charity Run in Mobile. First, congratulations to all those guys who ran or walked the 10K. Everybody did great! I was really impressed. In addition to the smoking PRs set by John the Cheetah Oliveri (39:48), Steve The Flash Ulery (43:52), and Audrey the Gazelle Jackson (48:21), I also witnessed the great performance and personal records set by Pacers Andrew the Fastest Columbian in Columbia Maxwell (54:25), Donna Superspeedy Mom Sumrall (58:51), and Dwayne the Wildebeest Higgason (1:01:49). Keith and Deborah Barrett and Becky and Hollie Ryder were also flying! I was the only lazy Pine Belt Pacer (chicken!) who ran the 5K. What happened? well... I was ready to
run the 10K. I arrived early to the race
and lined close to the front of the pack. When the gun
went off, I started fast and strong, but I could still
see Steve The Flash Ulery running 20-30 yards in front
of me. I thought I would say hello and run beside him
a mile or two, so I tried to pick up my pace a little
bit. What a huge mistake!!! According to Mrs Merry,
Steve always has for breakfast 10 Nature's
Path Organic Optimum peanut butter energy bars
and 4 Red Bull drinks before every race, so he can jump
like a race-horse at the beggining of the run. During
the first mile and half I ran like a bat out of hell but
could never catch Mr Ulery! I got exhausted and gave
up. I wouldn't say hello to him during the race! Then,
I saw the turning point for the 5K run and after quickly
thinking about the exhaustation so early in the race and
the 1.2-fun run I would join later with my wife and
kids, I switched from the 10K to the 5K race. I got to
the turning point and came back strong. I finished 16th
overall and third in my age group. I also got a new PR
for the distance, 22:09 (just one second faster than my
time in Philadelphia, MS in August, but anyway, a new
PR!!). At the beginning it seemed I would be
disqualified for switching races, but at the end the
organizers were nice, and I got an official finishing
time. Later in the day, my wife, two kids, and I ran a
PR for the 1.2-mile distance. How fast was it? Who
cares! Running and walking all together was what
counted. After that, we talked with other pacers at the
post-party meeting and then went down to Gulf Shores to
get some tan in the beach with temperatures in the 60s
and a 30-mile/h wind!
The cool thing about running the 5K was that I could cool down, get some fluids, and then watch and enjoy the finish of the 10K race, and of course, the strong run of my fellows Pine Belt Pacers and the friends from the MS Gulf Coast. My camera ran out of batteries so I could not take pictures of anybody. Anyway, everyone looked fresh and pleased with his/her time. I was especially impressed with the performance by Donna Sumrall. She started running seriously just a couple of months ago, and now is running and running and running and never stops! She is getting a new PR in every race she runs, and her hubbie and kids are now joining the activity. Congratulations to Donna and her coach, Mrs Becky Broccoli Ryder for a great work. © Pijume Diwesi |