First Place Female Danielle Princiotta

Karen Tankersley ran a great race and was the second place

Compliments to race directors Jancsi
Ward and Brandon Roney
of WCC FCA for putting on a great race with great awards

Pacer Keith Hilpp and his new assortment of gadgets
I wonder what this button does

Robin Ryder cruises to victory

Robin Ryder gives the course guide a workout

Robin breezes to the finish line ready for next weeks half

Second Place Female Karen Tankersly

Steve Ulery PRs yet again
This guy is running great right now

Steven Watkins finishes tenth overall

That's Charles Jackson putting on the
kick off his life to outpace
wife Audrey in the background and pick up a new PR

The clock speaks for itself way to go Steve

Third Place Female Ronna Sandoval

Yup Audrey I couldnt believe it either but thats what the clock
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