Race Report by Donna
Okay, I'm no
Nestor, but I couldn't wait to give a quick update on
some of the Pacers at the Nashville Country Music
Marathon, April 28, 2007.
It was a beautiful day for a race with the temps in the 50's and 60's. We had a bit of trouble getting around since it seems Nashville was trying to spruce things up for the arrival of the Pacers and still had a bit of road work "left undone". Nothing like trying to get around in a place that you don't know with all the roads torn up. We managed to get to the Health Expo in time to get our chips and race numbers and of course register to win stuff (by the way, that Saturn is mine! I'm speaking in faith here.) We did see fellow pacers Keith and Tony at the Expo - Mississippians are just drawn to each other even in a huge crowd. We had a bit of trouble leaving - I'll let Andy share that story if he chooses to. We finally found a place to eat and made our way back to our rooms for the early bedtime of about 11 or 12 o'clock. The alarm sounded awfully early when it went off at 4:30 a.m. I downed a bagel (brought from home) and a couple cups of coffee and made my way downstairs to meet Dwayne Higgason and go pick up Andy. My dear sweet supportive husband Dale got us to the race and dropped us off so he could come back and get kids. We tried to find Dwayne and Andy a breakfast of champions, but the McD's was closed for reconstruction so they had to settle on a sandwich and deviled eggs from a grocery store. Now all we had to do was wait.
Since this was my first half, I had no idea what to
expect - but it certainly wasn't 30,000 runners! I could
feel the anticipation building and got off to a great
start....almost 45 minutes after the first runners took
off. Seriously, the wave start made things go very
smoothly. I was pumped and as usual, took off a bit too
fast. (Sorry Coach) Andy was WAY ahead of Dwayne and me,
so we didn't even see him. Dwayne had a bit of trouble
with those horrible shin splints again, but after a
brief stop, some Ben Gay and I'm guessing some prayer -
he passed me! The Dog! I never even saw him again, so
he'll have to tell his side of the story.
The bands were great. The cheerleaders were great. And I
was, of course - GREAT!
My time was...who cares! (Yes that means I was slow),
but I had a blast. Now I'm ready to get back to training
for 5K's - the training isn't nearly as time consuming
and the races cost a lot less since I don't have to get
a hotel!
So there you have it. My race report. Dwayne has
pictures, can't wait to hear how Keith, Tony and Kily
did, and if you ever get a chance to run this race -
take it. The other runners - many who were running for
friends and family who were no longer able - was
inspiring. One older gentleman was barely walking toward
that finish line. It was evident that each step took
almost all he had. We cheered for him and as he passed,
I saw that his shirt said he was doing this in memory of
his daughter. I've got to be honest, I choked up, hugged
my own daughter and thanked God for the opportunity to
have my family with me in the midst of this crazy
endeavor. That's my story....and I'm sticking to it.
By: "Sitting Bull" Although I would never profess to be "Running Bear", I am qualified to submit an anonymous race report since I did actually see him and talk to him yesterday as he dined for breakfast with the legendary John Pendergrass. As I have mostly retired from running and writing race reports, I nevertheless decided to chronicle my overnight trip to Nashville with two of the great Pine Belt Pacers, Tony Mozingo and Keith Barrett. All I can say is, "what a trip". We began our journey with much trepidation because of the distance to the race, the fact that we had to return home on race day, the fact that Tony hasn't run more than six miles in a year or more, and the rumor that Keith was actually just hitching a ride to Talladega and wasn't really going to run anyway. Leaving Hattiesburg at eleven with the hope of arriving in Nashville by the time the expo closed at seven, I found myself being a "fly on the back windshield", (not the wall), as Tony averaged about ninety on the way there. We cleared the Tennessee line with plenty of time to spare and approached Music City during the height of the afternoon commute. Keith continued to comment about the "Birmingham traffic" to the point that I was convinced that he really thought we were in Alabama! Arriving at the expo, we saw a few of our comrades from Hattiesburg and hung out with the more than thirty-thousand prospective runners and walkers that were around the downtown area. I can't disclose the rest of the evening other than to say that we "focused" for the next morning by hydrating and resting after dining at a nearby joint. Every time we drove somewhere, my two companions argued about the danged Birmingham traffic, but by dawn we were headed to the parking area at the finish line (Titans football stadium), where we caught shuttle buses to the starting area. Kily Garcia joined us on race morning and at seven we began our journey. Tony looked surprisingly fit and stealth, and Keith was optimistic about his chances of running a PR with five weeks' rest and tapering. Both were sadly disappointed as they proceeded to run one of their slowest times ever. So much for celebrating their tenth year of running races together… (In 1997, Keith, Tony, Vicki Copeland, and others, so enamored by the heroics of Elmer Beardshall, Pendergrass, Butch Sims and the like, began training and traveling together.) After the race, Tony hung out at Mile 26 waiting for Barrett and Garcia with Titans running back Eddie George, who also ran the half-marathon. George, a big fan of Mozingo's, insisted on an autograph and begged him to wait in his air conditioned Escalade with the rest of his entourage. While waiting, the two discussed the Heisman Trophy, playing professional sports, and of course the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. I had a great time supporting Keith and Tony and came away from the experience with a desire to focus on getting in shape. I did make it home in one piece and am thankful that at the last minute, Tony's desire to get home won the day from Keith's close persuasion to take I-20 east at Birmingham, and kill the rest of the weekend at the race track. THE END Country Music Marathon 2007 My story goes this way: I had to work extra time during the week and pray that nothing happened with the computers on Friday so I could take the afternoon off and drive to Nashville. I left Hattiesburg around 1:00 P.M. still thinking if I would be able to make it to the expo at closing time. Well…I got there about 7:45 P.M., the event had finished, but the place was still open. I approached one of the Marathon staff members to explain how long/fast I had been driving just to get on time, he read the anguish in my face and handed me the bib number and chip together with the shirt they had already packed. At that point I felt like I had won the race!. I drove around downtown trying to find a place to eat; everywhere was full of runners! Later I found a place close to the hotel and had the traditional pasta dinner. The next morning about 5:30 A.M. I rode with the masters Tony Mozingo and Keith Barret to the race place while listening to good country music to get in the mood. I was anxious about the starting time, the shuttle, the corrals, etc. and a calm and very confident Mozingo told me that we had plenty of time while he talked about the great 10 years of running together with Keith. He also convinced me to run with them in corral #3, so there I was with the Elite’s runners at the starting line. We took off at 7:02 A.M., everybody was running fast; I let Keith run ahead about 50 meters and try to keep a good pace without losing him from sight. Everything looked great, a band every mile, a lot of people cheering the runners, the aid stations, etc. I checked my Garmin when I crossed the half point and I was surprised noticing a time of 1:46:10. I felt strong and happy, then by mile 14 I had a call from mother nature and I had to spend some valuable minutes in the porta-john. I was running at an 8 minute pace until mile 16 when I hit a good hill; my body didn’t respond as expected and I had to slow down a lot. It was hard for me to get a good pace again, by mile 20 I was exhausted. I ran the last six miles struggling, just wanted it to be over, but close to the finish line the great Tony Mozingo encouraged me for the last kick to finish at 4:05 chip time. That was my fourth marathon in this year and my second best time. I can call it a good accomplishment. I didn’t see all the other pacers, but checked the results and they did really good. Kudos for all of them. Run For Your Life. Kily Garcia
Results of Pine Belt Pacers
7250 Aquilino Garcia
Hattiesburg MS 33 M 4:05:09 4:07:36 1197 903 139
Half Marathon
Other Results | |||||||||||||||||
FName | LName | City | State | Age | Sex | ChipTime | ClockTime | Overall | SexPl | DivPl | pace | _5k | _10k | _10_mile | half | _20_mile | age_grade |
Jessi | Black | Hattiesburg | MS | 25 | F | 5:11:28 | 5:20:48 | 3462 | 1307 | 352 | 11:53 | 33:47:00 | 1:04:36 | 1:48:34 | 2:23:19 | 44.56 | |
Aquilino | Garcia | Hattiesburg | MS | 33 | M | 4:05:09 | 4:07:36 | 1197 | 903 | 139 | 9:22 | 25:09:00 | 48:48:00 | 1:21:14 | 1:47:33 | 2:58:10 | 51.25 |
Codie | Gibbons | Hattiesburg | MS | 20 | M | 1:57:18 | 2:38:24 | 3262 | 2193 | 285 | 8:57 | 26:56:00 | 52:39:00 | 1:28:42 | 51.32 | ||
Christine | Herrington | Hattiesburg | MS | 28 | F | 2:02:57 | 2:10:27 | 4664 | 1754 | 500 | 9:23 | 28:29:00 | 54:12:00 | 1:30:58 | 53.17 | ||
Barrett | Keith | Hattiesburg | MS | 46 | M | 3:54:18 | 3:56:45 | 845 | 655 | 70 | 8:57 | 24:35:00 | 48:18:00 | 1:20:20 | 1:45:03 | 2:49:35 | 57.87 |
Logan | Lowrey | Hattiesburg | MS | 20 | F | 1:57:17 | 2:38:24 | 3260 | 1069 | 241 | 8:57 | 26:55:00 | 52:39:00 | 1:28:41 | 57.72 | ||
Andrew | Maxwell | Hattiesburg | MS | 37 | M | 2:06:48 | 2:32:22 | 5645 | 3321 | 560 | 9:41 | 31:56:00 | 59:25:00 | 1:37:28 | 47.25 | ||
Chelsie | Mosness | Hattiesburg | MS | 23 | F | 3:34:25 | 4:23:42 | 17990 | 11014 | 1810 | 16:22 | 49:15:00 | 1:34:48 | 2:39:45 | 30.65 | ||
Spencer | Mosness | Hattiesburg | MS | 25 | M | 3:34:24 | 4:23:41 | 17988 | 6976 | 1137 | 16:22 | 49:14:00 | 1:34:46 | 2:39:45 | 27.29 | ||
Tony | Mozingo | Hattiesburg | MS | 44 | M | 1:53:40 | 1:56:08 | 2489 | 1746 | 201 | 8:41 | 27:05:00 | 51:29:00 | 1:25:37 | 55.11 | ||
Emily | Simpson | Hattiesburg | MS | 26 | F | 2:45:31 | 3:32:46 | 13735 | 7680 | 1933 | 12:38 | 35:43:00 | 1:11:47 | 2:02:56 | 39.49 | ||
Chandler | Strain | Hattiesburg | MS | 24 | M | 1:46:21 | 1:52:22 | 1253 | 951 | 141 | 8:07 | 25:27:00 | 47:59:00 | 1:20:27 | 55.02 | ||
Donna | Sumrall | Hattiesburg | MS | 48 | F | 2:34:45 | 3:18:05 | 12173 | 6549 | 391 | 11:49 | 33:42:00 | 1:07:15 | 1:56:37 | 47.93 | ||
FName | LName | City | State | Age | Sex | ChipTime | ClockTime | Overall | SexPl | DivPl | pace | _5k | _10k | _10_mile | half | _20_mile | age_grade |
Lewis | Griffin | Petal | MS | 42 | M | 2:06:33 | 2:34:17 | 5577 | 3294 | 404 | 9:40 | 32:24:00 | 1:00:30 | 1:37:44 | 48.85 | ||
Mary Beth | Griffin | Petal | MS | 41 | F | 2:43:36 | 3:33:02 | 13469 | 7479 | 775 | 12:29 | 36:44:00 | 1:16:29 | 2:04:39 | 42.55 | ||
Chuck | Harrell | Petal | MS | 44 | M | 3:21:47 | 4:11:13 | 17149 | 6809 | 820 | 15:24 | 44:06:00 | 1:25:07 | 2:27:34 | 31.04 | ||
Matthew | Harrell | Petal | MS | 17 | M | 2:43:24 | 3:32:51 | 13443 | 5983 | 98 | 12:28 | 36:43:00 | 1:11:35 | 2:01:23 | 38.31 | ||
Nathan | Harrell | Petal | MS | 17 | M | 2:38:56 | 3:28:23 | 12830 | 5808 | 93 | 12:08 | 36:44:00 | 1:11:48 | 2:01:47 | 39.39 | ||
Ramona | Harrell | Petal | MS | 42 | F | 3:21:45 | 4:11:13 | 17145 | 10337 | 1140 | 15:24 | 44:05:00 | 1:25:06 | 2:27:31 | 34.8 | ||
FName | LName | City | State | Age | Sex | ChipTime | ClockTime | Overall | SexPl | DivPl | pace | _5k | _10k | _10_mile | half | _20_mile | age_grade |
Chad | Hill | Purvis | MS | 24 | M | 2:02:43 | 2:16:08 | 4603 | 2882 | 360 | 9:22 | 31:33:00 | 58:47:00 | 1:35:12 | 47.68 | ||
Lauren | Hill | Purvis | MS | 24 | F | 4:42:01 | 4:55:26 | 2554 | 876 | 171 | 10:46 | 30:48:00 | 1:00:32 | 1:44:29 | 2:19:15 | 3:31:55 | 49.33 |
Edwin | Rogers | Purvis | MS | 35 | M | 6:59:50 | 7:39:00 | 4700 | 2654 | 483 | 16:01 | 39:36:00 | 1:16:18 | 2:11:58 | 2:56:37 | 4:55:24 | 30.09 |
Laura | Rogers | Purvis | MS | 35 | F | 3:47:47 | 4:44:59 | 18601 | 11530 | 1771 | 17:23 | 51:48:00 | 1:38:09 | 2:51:32 | 29.09 |