Letter from one of Tony's Fans

I am writing again today because I just finished reading about your experience
at the Willie Nelson run. Let me say I was truly touched by your description. I
can just picture you out there hurting and trying to get past that painful
"block" runners go through and then all of a sudden here comes one of America's
heroes! I can just imagine the rush you got from that "moment in time". What a
feeling! Just think about how special that was! I know you will treasure that
moment forever. You told me about that and it seemed surreal, but I had no real
comprehension until I read it today. I never knew you were such a talented
writer. You are able to transport your readers out onto the course with you.
Wow! What a feeling it must be to know that you are able to touch so many people
through your own words! Keep up the good work and don't stop sharing yourself
with the Pine Belt Pacer fans.

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