President’s Column- March 27, 2002

            I am pleased to report that I will be writing a column periodically to update members and readers on club activities and members’ achievements.  I’ve decided to start the column since I have been unable to write a race report each week, and also because a hostile takeover bid by Nestor Raul Anzola was successful in stealing the privilege from me.

            Several runners from the area wound up in Mobile on the 22nd of March to take part in the silver anniversary of the Azalea Trail Run, one of the best and biggest 10K’s anywhere.  The weather was perfect for the race itself, and Becky did a great job of working at the Mississippi Track Club booth to sell our merchandise and recruit new members.  Other races in the area included the CANA 5K in Columbia and a wild, mountainous endurance run which was completed by Running Bear Beardshall and a few of his closest friends.  Former President Keith Barrett won the race in Columbia since I elected to go to Mobile, giving a few of the runners here a chance to win one.  As the defending two-time champion of the race, it was a tough call for me.  It is obvious that I made the right call since this year there happened to be several runners there, not just the race walkers that I outrun handily.  As for my performance, I was just about to make my move on the Kenyans at mile 4 when I heard that they had crossed the finish line.

            This is the perfect time of year to get back in shape.  I encourage all of you to subscribe to Runners’ World or some similar publication, or get on the internet and see what it has to offer to motivate you.  Springtime offers many 5K and 10K races, and everyone should remember that you don’t have to be a fast runner to enter them.  If you need help or advice on things like shoes, places to run or ride, or injuries, then email one of us for answers.  Chances are that one of us at least has had the same question before.

            One of the things that motivates me to run more is committing to an upcoming race.  I have found that if you go ahead and sign up for a run, then it isn’t hard at all to find time to train during the week.  It gives you something to shoot for, so to speak, and will get you out of the office or off the couch more than anything else.

            I would like to ask that you all help us in recruiting new members, and to give you an incentive, the club will suspend your dues for one year for every three new members you recruit.  Make sure that you tell whomever you bring in to let us know so we can give you credit.

            I ran into Chuck George, President of the New Orleans Track Club at the expo. in Mobile.  He is looking forward to having a bunch of us down for the Crescent City Classic this weekend.  Let someone know if you’re going so we can all get together.

            Please make plans to join some of the members at Lau-Tori’s Restaurant in Sumrall April 25 for a get-together.  We promise not to bore you, but to give you an opportunity to meet new friends and have some fun.  Details will be announced soon at this website.

Stay healthy and get involved.  We need you.

Tony Mozingo

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