Procedures for Backing up TRAYCARE


1.     Why backup? TRAYCARE backs up your data files every time you choose to do so on the first menu, and when you exit TRAYCARE. These backups can be used to recover in situations where your PC is still operating. But you should make a backup on a media external to your computer (tape, CD, Zip Disk, 3 ½” Disk, network computer or storage device) at least monthly in case something catastrophic happens to your computer. Otherwise you will have lost all the TRAYCARE information, plus the work that was put into entering the information. 


2.     What to Backup. Your TRAYCARE install CD is your backup for all the TRAYCARE program files, so they do not require additional backup. Keep the install CD in a safe place and handle carefully. Back up these data items:

a.      Your data files (TCData.mdb)

b.      Resident pictures (all files in C:\Respics


3.     How long to keep backups

a.      Keep one-time backups for at least a month

b.      If you are using rewriteable media, have at least 3 sets and write on the oldest set at each backup


4.      How to backup. The exact procedure for creating a backup will depend on the media you choose to use:

a.      If you use 3 ½” disks, you can use the backup software that comes with your operating system. It is usually found at Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Backup.

b.      If you use CD, Zip, or tape media, use the software that comes with those devices.


5.      Recovering from backup. This will probably be on a different computer, or on the same computer after repairs have been made that erased TRAYCARE.

a.      Install TRAYCARE on the new or repaired computer

b.      Use the Restore procedure to recover your data files