2004 Minutes: May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec


May 10, 2004

Friends of the Longleaf Trace



The first meeting of the Friends of the Longleaf Trace, an organization established to assist the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trails Recreational District Board of Directors, was called by Micky Harrington as set out in a letter (attached hereto as Exhibit A), at 6:00pm May 10, 2004, in the Longleaf Room in the Gateway at Southern Miss Building, 2895 West 4th St. Hattiesburg, MS. 




The first called meeting of the Friends of the Longleaf Trace was called to order by Micky Harrington at approximately 6:15pm on Monday, May 10, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:

            Harry Halliwell                        Drew Carter               Nancy Munn

            Kevin Bates                           Robert Welch             Micky Harrington

            Elmer Beardshall                  Babs Faulk                Bob Jefcoat

            Leslie Farmer                        Francis Farmer         Herlon Pierce


Resource providers present:

            Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager

            Bill Powe, Gateway Manager.  



I.  New Business

  1. Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager and Resource Provider, offered a draft copy of proposed bylaws of the Friends of the Trace.  Certain additions to those bylaws were made, and by acclamation, those members present adopted the bylaws of the Friends of the Trace.  A copy is attached hereto as Exhibit B
  2. Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager and Resource Provider, provided a draft mission statement of the Friends of the Trace, and following considerable discussion and modification of the draft to exclude certain detailed information, the statement was adopted by acclamation.  A copy is attached hereto as Exhibit C
  3. It was noted by Mr. Harrington that the bylaws establishes a process for the election of officers, and Mr. Harrington asked for nomination for the office of president.   Bob Jefcoat nominated Micky Harrington.  Babs Faulk seconded the nomination, and after a call for further nominations, and there being none, Micky Harrington by acclamation was elected as President.
  4. President Harrington asked for nominations for the office of vice-president. Following a conversation, several members requested that Leslie Farmer allow her name to be put in the nominations.  The nomination was seconded by Nancy Munn, and following a request for additional nominations, and there being none, Leslie Farmer, by acclamation, was elected as Vice-President.
  5. President Harrington asked for nominations for the office of secretary.  Francis Farmer nominated Elmer Beardshall for the office of secretary, and Babs Faulk seconded the nomination.  Following a call for additional nominations for office of secretary, and there being none, Elmer Beardshall, by acclamation was elected Secretary.
  6. A conversation followed relative to the length of meetings, and it was agreed by those present, that every effort will be made to limit meetings to no more than one hour.
  7. It was agreed by the members present that notification of meetings and or other messages to the membership will be provided by e-mail where possible and members are therefore requested to provide an e-mail address to Elmer Beardshall.
  8. A number of concerns and expressions were made, along with ideas for activities for Friends of the Trace were informally discussed, and it was agreed that specific suggestions to the Board of Directors and programs and activities of the Friends of the Trace, would be brought forward in future meetings.


II.  Old Business



III.                Adjournment

                  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm by general consent and acclamation.



Read and approved on this date, June 7, 2004



________________________                  __________

President                                                   Date



________________________                  __________

Secretary                                                   Date





Regularly Monthly Meeting

June 7, 2004





The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:10pm on Monday, June 7, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:

            Micky Harrington, President            Drew Carter               Nancy Munn

            Leslie Farmer                                    Herlon Pierce            Larry Sparkman

            Audrey Morgan                                  Ed Crockett               Jim Moore


Guests: Leaders of a New Century represented by:

            Ms. Toshia McBride             Ms. Audrey Morgan              Mr. Larry Sparkman


Resource providers present:

            Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager


It was noted by President Harrington that an agenda was not prepared for the first meeting, as this meeting will be one to solicit ideas/suggestions for consideration and to initiate and agenda.


I.                    Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Nancy Munn to approve the minutes of last months meeting as read.  A copy of the minutes of the May 10, 2004 meeting (first meeting) of Friends of the Longleaf Trace was posted on the Trace web-site, and a copy handed out to those present. The motion was seconded by Leslie Farmer, and there being no further discussion, was unanimously approved.

II.                  Recognition of Guests:  President Harrington recognized that guests were present representing the current class 2004 of Leaders of a New Century.  Ms. Morgan presented an overview of the lighting project being planned by the Leader of a New Century for the Longleaf Trace between the Gateway and the 38th Avenue/7th Street tunnel.  The group discussed their efforts to gain funding for the project and asked “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” for their support of the lighting project and for their advice and assistance with their funding efforts.  Mr. James Moore offered his assistance to the group in establishing a funding solicitation scheme to use in securing funding through sponsors/etc.  The group accepted Mr. Moore’s offer and a meeting with Mr. Moore was set for Tuesday June 8, 2004.


III.                New Business: President Harrington asked for ideas/suggestions from those members present which follows:

a.      Ms. Leslie Farmer moved that “Friends of the Longleaf Trace endorse and support the lighting project and effort of “The Leaders of a New Century”. The motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Munn and was approved by acclamation.  President Harrington thanked the group for their support of and interest in the Longleaf Trace and improving the Trace for greater community use.

b.     A request was made to improve sight distances at Highway, Street and Road intersections, where possible.  Action:  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce stated that his maintenance crew will improve these intersections where reasonable possibly.  Mr. Pierce did note, however, that sight distance will be improved where possible for those who obey the traffic laws and stop.  It was also pointed out that the District Staff is reviewing the possibility of adding signal devices, subject to funding availability, at a few of the intersections considered to be of high hazard, either because of sight distance restrictions, approaching vehicle speed, or other. Additional information will be provided to “Friends” at a future meeting.

c.      It was noted that on occasion, kids have been observed loitering and pushing rocks through the chain-link barrier over I-59 onto oncoming traffic.  A discussion followed expressing the danger such activity creates and how to eliminate such activity.  Action: It was agreed that Trail Manager Herlon Pierce and Secretary Elmer Beardshall will investigate the possibility of installing warning signs at approaches on both ends of the bridge warning “No Stopping On Bridge” and/or other appropriate signage, and report back to “Friends”.

d.     It was pointed out that funds could possible be generated by installing donation boxes on the trail.  After discussion it was agreed that due to the possibility of vandalism a box would only be appropriate in areas of high visibility and should be serviced daily.  It was concluded that a trail donation box be designed and located at the Gateway at Southern Miss with envelopes, serviced daily, and signs asking that no donation be made 5pm to 7am. Action: Trail Manager Herlon Pierce and secretary Elmer Beardshall to design a donation box as discussed to be located convenient to the trace and the Gateway at Southern Miss, and report back to “Friends”.

e.      It was discussed the possibility of extending “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” membership to families, businesses and corporations.  Following a discussion, it was agreed that such memberships should be considered and could be of great benefit to the organization and its mission and activities.  Action: Ms Leslie Farmer agreed to look at possible classes of membership and report her finding back to the “Friends”.

f.        It was discussed the need for a Logo for “Friends of the Longleaf Trace”, it was agreed that a design or designs will be considered.  Action: Suggestions are solicited from members and it was requested that Gateway Manager Bill Powe seek the assistance of public relations and marketing experts through Recreational Sports for a suggested design.

g.     It was discussed the possibility of providing access to air for inflating bike tires.  After a discussion it was agreed to look into the possibility of providing a trial air service at the Gateway with maximum pressure of 50 psi, pressure limited due to the possibility of over-inflating some tires.  It was also agreed that if possible, the service be provided through a vendor.  Action: Trail Manager Herlon Pierce and Gateway Manager Bill Powe were asked to determine if a vendor is available for this service, and report their findings back to “Friends”.

h.     It was reported that the first-aid boxes provided at the stations along the Trace are without supplies.  A discussion was held relative to how to service the boxes and what supplies should be provided.  Action: Trail Manager Herlon Pierce agreed that he and his employees will service the boxes if it can be agreed what supplies should be made available.  Ms. Leslie Farmer offered to discuss the supply matter with Red Cross and report back to “Friends”.

i.        Trail Manager Herlon Pierce asked “Friends” to consider taking over the sale, editing and printing of the “USER ASSISTANCE AND TRAIL ROUTE MAP” brochure.  Action: “Friends” to consider the matter.

j.        Trail Manager Herlon Pierce asked “Friends” to consider possibilities for a sign on the existing steel structure immediately west of the tunnel.  Action: Friends to consider possibilities.



IV.               Next Meeting-It was pointed out that the regular July meeting will be on July 5, an immediately follow the July 4th holiday.  Ms. Leslie Farmer moved that the meeting be moved to the second Monday, July 12, 2004, at the regular meeting time and place.


V.                 Adjournment: At 7:10 pm, Ms. Leslie Farmer moved that the meeting be adjourned, Ms. Nancy Munn seconded the motion and by acclamation the motion was approved.



Read and approved on this date, July 13, 2004



________________________                  __________

President                                                   Date



________________________                  __________

Secretary                                                   Date





Regularly Monthly Meeting

July 12, 2004





The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the Vice-President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, July 12, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:

            Leslie Farmer, VP                            Bob Welch                 Nancy Munn

            Bob Gates                                         Herlon Pierce            Pete Edwards

            Elmer Beardshall, Sec.                    Frances Farmer        Jim Moore

            Phyllis Thomas


Guests:  No guests present



Resource providers present:

            Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager

            Bill Powe, Gateway Manager



I.                    Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Nancy Munn to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting as read.  A copy of the minutes of the June 7, 2004 meeting of Friends of the Longleaf Trace was posted on the Trace web-site, and a copy handed out to those present. The motion was seconded by Mr. Edwards, and there being no further discussion, was unanimously approved.

II.                  Recognition of Guests:  No Guests were present

III.                New Business: Vice-President Leslie Farmer suggested that this meeting consist of further discussing ideas/suggestions generally discussed in the June 7 meeting.

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the Board of Directors has been informed that Friends are in support of the lighting project proposed by the Leaders of a New Century.

b.     Trail manager Herlon Pierce reported that his crews continue their efforts to improve sight distances on highway, street, and road intersections along the trail as time will permit.  This action will be a on-going effort and poisoning of broadleaf vegetation is currently under consideration.

c.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that signs have been ordered for installation on the approaches to the I59 overpass warning ”No Stopping on Bridge” in addition, signs have been ordered for installation along the trail requesting the users “Keep Right”.

d.     Secretary Elmer Beardshall provided members present with copies of various potential donation boxes to be installed at the Gateway for those who wish to make donations to the “Friends” and the Longleaf Trace. Following an extended conversation, Ms. Nancy Munn moved that Secretary Elmer Beardshall continue his search and to choose an appropriate donation box for recommendation to the Board, and further to look into the possibility of installing a slot in the Gateway Building for donations and other uses at nights and on weekends.  The motion was seconded by Bob Welch and was unanimously carried.

e.      Vice President Leslie Farmer reported that she has put considerable thought into the matter of additional levels of memberships, most particularly those for families, businesses and corporations.  Following an extended conversation, it was decided that the membership levels currently in place will remain for the balance of this first year of operation, and new levels will be reconsidered prior to the beginning of next years operation.

f.        Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that due to semester break at the University of Southern Miss he has been unable to secure ideas from the public relations and marketing department for a logo for “Friends”.  A discussion was held relative to the possibility of hands joining as the possibility of the logo or of hands reaching to assist as part of the logo.  Mr. Powe stated that he will bring these ideas to the attention of the individual who will be creating the logo.

g.     Secretary Elmer Beardshall reported on his search for a compressor for providing air service to trail users.  He reported that one compressor can have multiple pressure regulators installed, providing the two pressure maximums approximately 60 psi and approximately 90 psi.  It was agreed that Mr. Beardshall will look into this matter further, and working with Trail Manager Herlon Pierce and Gateway Manager Bill Powe, will look into a potential compressor type with regulators and a potential location for the air service in the area of the Gateway.

h.     Vice President Leslie Farmer reported that she has done some further research on first aid box supplies, and following a discussion, it was agreed that supplies should be carefully selected and their costs be minimal.  Vice President Leslie Farmer agreed that she will continue to work on this matter, and will report the result at a future meeting.

i.        Ms. Nancy Munn moved that “Friends” take over the editing, solicitation of ads and printing responsibility of the “User Assistance Trail Route Map” brochure”.  The motion was seconded by Bob Welch, and following a discussion with Trail Manager Herlon Pierce and Gateway Manager Bill Powe, agreed to procure the advertisers for the next  production, with “Friends” to take over that task in the future.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce pointed out that the current supply of the referenced brochure is extremely low and action should be taken and a new supply should be available prior to Labor Day.  Mr. James Moore stated that he would gladly sell ads for the future productions. The motion was unanimously approved.

j.        A proposed budget for “Friends” fund 106, was distributed to each member, however Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that in view of the fact that “Friends” is willing to take over the User Assistance and Trail Route Map brochure, the budget will need to be changed to reflect the increase in income and expense of printing the brochure.  It was noted that this change would need to be made before the “Friends” budget could be adopted.

k.      Following a discussion of the possible use of the existing steel structure immediately west of the 7th Street Tunnel for a promotional sign, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he has had some conversation with the Convention and Visitors Bureau relative to the use of that structure. Following a recommendation from the Bureau for a potential use of the sign, their interest and their suggestions/recommendation, the matter will be reexamined by “Friends”

l.        A discussion was generated relative to the need for signs leading to the Longleaf Trace Gateway at Southern Miss from Interstate 59.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce suggested that the “Friends” join the Board of Directors in soliciting the Mississippi Department of Transportation to provide the referenced signs. Trail manager Herlon Pierce stated that he will provide a letter to the Board indicating the support of the “Friends” on this request.

m.   Vice President Leslie Farmer and Ms. Nancy Munn raised the question of how the organization can increase its membership.  It being the desire of those members present to enhance membership of “Friends”, by acclamation, it was agreed that Vice President Leslie Farmer and Ms. Nancy Munn will look into ways, means, and methods of increasing and enhancing “Friends” membership.



IV.               Adjournment: At 7:45pm, Ms. Nancy Munn moved that the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Bob Welch seconded the motion and by acclamation the motion was approved.



Read and approved on this date, August 2, 2004



________________________                  __________

President                                                   Date



________________________                  __________

Secretary                                                   Date





Regularly Monthly Meeting

August 2, 2004


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, August 2, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Micky Harrington, President            Leslie Farmer, Vice President            Bob Gates

Elmer Beardshall, Secretary            Herlon Pierce


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce            Bill Powe


I.                    Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Elmer Beardshall to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting as read.  A copy of the minutes of the July 12, 2004 meeting of Friends of the Longleaf Trace was posted on the Trace web-site, and a copy handed out to those present. The motion was seconded by Leslie Farmer , and there being no further discussion, was unanimously approved.

II.                  Recognition

III.                New Business

            A discussion was held relative to the need for an agenda for the future meetings.  It was agreed at this meeting to generally use the minutes of the previous meeting as an agenda.

a.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that his crews have completed opening site distance at highways, street and road intersections along the trail.  Mr. Pierce also reported poisoning of broadleaf vegetation will begin next spring in order to hopefully keep the site distance in good condition.

b.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that signs for the I59 overpass warning “No Stopping on Bridge” along with the trail signs “Keep Right” have arrived and will be installed in the near future. 

c.      Secretary Beardshall provided members with a copy of a recommendation to the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trail Recreational District Board of Directors for the purchase of a donation box. A copy of the recommendation is attached as Exhibit A.

d.      Vice President Leslie Farmer moved that the donation box recommended by Elmer Beardshall be recommended to the Board of directors of the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trail Recreational District for installation at the Gateway at Southern Miss Complex.  The motion was seconded by Secretary Elmer Beardshall and unanimously approved.

e.      As a matter of information, Gateway Manager Bill Powe, reported that individuals in the University Public relations and Marketing Departments are continuing to work on the Friends Logo.  Mr. Powe expects this logo to be complete prior to the September meeting.

f.        As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the District has purchased a compressor for use at the Gateway Bike Shop in conjunction with the bicycle Rentals.  He reported that as soon as the Bike Shop is outsourced, the compressor can be relocated to the Southern Miss Station as equipped with two pressure regulators ( one at 60 psi and one at 90psi) for purposes of users airing bike tires.

g.      An extended discussion was held relative to supplying first aid supplies for the first aid boxes along the trail.  Ms. Leslie Farmer reported that she is continuing her effort to find the appropriate mix of supplies and is also continuing her effort to find someone willing to donate the necessary supplies.  Mr. Bob Gates offered to assist in this effort.

h.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce and Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that it is their intention to proceed with the selling of ads and with the printing of the User assistance and trail route map brochure.

i.        Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that rather than producing a budget for Friends fund 106 for the balance of FY2002-2003, a budget for FY2004-2004 will be made to include advertising funds and printing of the User Assistance and Trail Route Map.

j.         As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he has no new information relating to signs along I59 leading to the Longleaf Trace Gateway at Southern Miss.  Mr. Pierce reported that he will write a letter from the Board of Directors indicating support of the Friends organization to MDOT.

k.      Ms. Leslie Farmer reported that the membership drive discussed in the previous meeting will be delayed until the Fall, and at that time means and methods of increasing “Friends” membership will be implemented.

l.         President Harrington pointed out that frequently garbage and trash is scattered at the Jackson Road Station from bags placed there by District Personnel.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce noted that the University has been requested to furnish a dumpster for this trash, and if the dumpster is not provided, an elevated platform will be installed at the site for placing the garbage.  Gateway Manager Bill Powe assured “Friends” that he will pursue the dumpster issue immediately.

m.    A general discussion was held relative to water coolers not being available at the Jackson Rd and Epley Stations in view of the fact the water coolers are available at the other station.  By acclamation it was agreed to ask the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trails Recreational District Board of Directors to install water coolers at these stations.

n.      Trail manager Herlon Pierce asked that “Friends” consider the possibility of sponsoring painted metal maps for installation in kiosks at each of the Trace trailheads.  Mr. Pierce reported that he has received a cost of approximately $250.00 per map from Berry Signs. Ms. Leslie Farmer discussed that possibility of selling sponsorships and or advertisements for these maps.  Ms. Leslie Farmer moved that “Friends” pursue the possibility of providing metal painted maps through sponsorships or advertisements. Mr. Beardshall pointed out that  the “Friends” are being requested to provide a number of items that required fundraising and the sell of sponsorships and or advertisements.  Following a discussion , Bob Gates seconded the motion to provide the maps and the motion was carried.


I.                    IV.  Adjournment: At 7:00 pm, Ms. Leslie Farmer moved that the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Elmer Beardshall seconded the motion, and by acclamation the motion was approved.




Read and approved on this date, September 6th, 2004



________________________                  __________

President                                                   Date



________________________                  __________

Secretary                                                   Date






Regular Monthly Meeting

September 13, 2004


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, September 13, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Micky Harrington, President            Leslie Farmer, Vice President        Bob Gates

Elmer Beardshall, Secretary            Herlon Pierce            Bob Jefcoat


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce            Sarah Moscript (representing Bill Powe who arrived after meeting began)        Bill Powe (18:45)


I.                    Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Elmer Beardshall to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting as read.  A copy of the minutes of the August 2, 2004 meeting of Friends of the Longleaf Trace was posted on the Trace web-site, and a copy handed out to those present. The motion was seconded by Leslie Farmer, and there being no further discussion, was unanimously approved.

II.                  Recognition of new members or guests- none present

III.                Business

a.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the donation box recommended by Friends to the Board of Directors was approved, has been purchased and has been delivered. A discussion was held relative to its location and a location was decided for the eastern most corner of the landscaped area and immediately west of the entrance walkway to the Trail Managers office.

b.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the “Keep Right” signs have been received and posted. The “No Stopping on Bridge signs have also been received and posted but had a typographical error and the corrected signs will be replaced by the vendor at no additional charge.

c.      As a matter of information, Sarah Moscript presented several logo options for the Friends organization developed by the University Marketing and/or Public Relations Departments.  It was agreed that some modification is necessary and following a discussion, it was agreed that Sarah will bring a revised logo suggestion to the October meeting.

d.      President Harrington asked for information on the air service for bikes and Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the District has purchased an air compressor; however, the compressor is in use with bicycle rentals, which hopefully will be outsourced in the near future. The compressor can then be used to provide the air service (60psi, 90 psi)

e.      Ms. Leslie Farmer and Mr. Bob Gates both reported their efforts in securing first aid supplies for the first aid boxes along the trail and the fact that their effort is continuing.

f.        As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that all ads for the User Assistance and Trail Route Map have been secured and that a printing of 6500 copies has been ordered.  It is also noted that a tagline recognizing the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” has been added to the bottom of the brochure.

g.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce discussed the budget for Friends, Fund 106 for fiscal year ending September 30, 2005.  Leslie Farmer moved that the budget be approved and following a discussion, Bob Jefcoat seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.  A copy of the budget is attached to the minutes hereto as Exhibit A

h.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he has written a letter (dated 8/22/04) from the Board of Directors relative to exit signs along I59 leading to the Gateway at Southern Miss.  A response to this letter has not been received.

i.        Trail Manager Herlon Pierce was reminded that Friends have recommended that water coolers be installed at the Jackson Road & Epley Stations similar to those at the newer stations along the Trace. Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that as soon as he secures an estimate of cost, he will present this matter to the Board of Directors.

j.         A conversation was lead by Ms. Leslie Farmer, President Harrington and Elmer Beardshall relative to the need for establishing an annual event to be sponsored by Friends for the purpose of enhancing membership.  It was generally agreed that the events should be planned around food that could be donated.  Mr. Bob Gates agreed to assist with securing donated food.  Further information will be brought to the October meeting and further planning will be made.

k.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce was requested to report on the progress of the Jerry Ryan Memorial Facility.  He reported that a grant request for $80,000 has been made to the State Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to construct a 30’x40’ Pavilion with support facilities for event staging, an exercise warm-up area, and a children’s playground.  The Jerry Ryan Memorial Area will feature an arbor type walkway from near the Gateway Building through the area and to the Southern Miss Station. Mr. Pierce further reported that details for these plans have not been released due to the fact that cost estimates have not been made and that funds for the construction of the facility is limited to approximately $100,000.  As further information is made available, Friends will be advised.

l.         Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that the National Recreation Trails (NRT News and Resources) has challenged national recreation trails to a photo contest, art exhibit on your trail, trail advocate award, and trail worker award.  Mr. Powe requested that Mr. Beardshall post on the website a challenge for photos to be submitted with the local winner photos being displayed in the Gateway. He reported that the art department of the University of Southern Miss is willing to provide art for the Art on the Trail challenge.  It was concluded that approximately 5 pieces of art would be adequate, with those pieces being located between the Gateway and the tunnel.  Mr. Powe also reported that a recommendation for the trail advocate award and the trail worker award will come from the Friends organization.

m.    A discussion was held relative to the possibility of provided painted metal maps of the Longleaf Trace in kiosks at each of the trace trailheads at Hattiesburg, Sumrall, Bassfield and Prentiss. A discussion was held relative to sponsors and or the sale of advertisements to procure these signs. At the October meeting a further discussion will be held.

n.      A discussion was held relative to supporting/sponsoring an annual event on the anniversary of the Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride.  A further discussion & planning will be held in the October meeting.


IV. Adjournment At 7:30 the meeting was adjourned by general consent and acclamation.





Regular Monthly Meeting

October 4, 2004


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:15pm on Monday, October 4, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Micky Harrington, President            Nancy Munn               Bob Gates

Elmer Beardshall, Secretary            Herlon Pierce           

Ed Crockett                                        Butch Sims                Suzanne Sims


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce           


I.                    Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the September 14, 2004 meeting of Friends of the Longleaf Trace was posted on the Trace web-site, and a copy handed out to those present. By acclamation, the minutes of the September 14, 20004 meeting were approved.

II.                  Recognition of new members or guests- Butch & Suzanne Sims were recognized and welcomed as new members by President Harrington and were asked to be participants of the regular monthly meeting of Friends of the Longleaf Trace if at all possible.

III.                Business

a.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the donation box has not been installed awaiting the development of the Friends of the Longleaf Trace logo for use on the donations box.

b.      As a matter of information, Bob Gates, on behalf of the University Marketing and/or Public Relations department presented some new ideas for the Friends logo.  Following a discussion, it was agreed that during the September meeting, a logo was agreed to with minor revisions and Sarah will be asked to do that which was agreed in the  September meeting and bring back the logo suggestion in the November meeting.

c.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the air compressor is continuing in use with the Gateway Bicycle Rentals and will be installed to provide user air service when the Gateway Bike rentals are outsourced.

d.      There was no new report on the effort to secure first-aid supplies for the first-aid boxes along the trail.

e.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the new User Assistance and Trail Route Map has been printed with the tagline “This brochure is made possible by Friends of the Longleaf Trace” and each member present has been provided with a copy of the new brochure.

f.        As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he is continuing to wait on a response from MDOT relative to exit signs along I59 leading to the Gateway at Southern Miss.

g.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he has received cost estimates($342 each) for the water coolers at Jackson Rd. and Epley stations to match those currently located at other stations along the trace. He also reported that he does not expect that the Board of Directors would purchase the coolers in view of the fact that the water fountains currently in place are relatively new. A discussion was held relative to securing donations to purchase the water coolers, and Mr. Butch Sims volunteered to make a donation to the District in the amount of one of the coolers to be installed at the Jackson Rd. Station.  Mr. Pierce stated that in view of the fact of Mr. Sims gracious donation , he would agree to solicit donations for the cooler needed at the Epley Station and will request the Board of Directors to approve their installation.

h.      The matter of establishing an annual event to be sponsored by Friends for the purpose of enhancing membership was brought up.  Mr. Bob Gates suggested that a membership drive would likely be successful by manning a registration table during weekends or during events near the Gateway at Southern Miss soliciting membership. It was agreed that Friends will start manning booths during known events in the area of the Gateway.

i.        Mr. Elmer Beardshall moved that friends of the Longleaf Trace assist with the first Sunday group (an unorganized group who gather on the first Sunday of each month to ride the trace from the Gateway to their own destination and return) with the Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride on the fifth Sunday in October.  The motion was seconded by Nancy Munn and unanimously approved.

j.         Nancy Munn requested that she be provided with 150 membership applications to be distributed on the weekend of October 9 to a group activity at Kamper Park in an effort to gain additional Friends memberships.

k.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce, made a brief report on the status of the Jerry Ryan Memorial facility.

l.         Friend Elmer Beardshall pointed out that the National Recreation Trail Challenge for the year 2004 expired on August 13, 2004. Friend Elmer Beardshall moved that the District nominate Trail Manager Herlon Pierce for the Trails public service award for the year 2005 and James Moore for the Trail Advocacy Award for the year 2005. The motion was seconded by Ed Crockett and unanimously approved.

m.    Friend Nancy Munn moved that Friends not pursue the photo contest as Friend Elmer Beardshall reported that he has had no response to his challenge for photos on the website.  The motion was seconded by Ed Crockett and unanimously approved.

n.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce was requested to report on progress on securing painted metal maps of the Longleaf Trace to be installed in the kiosks at each of the Trailheads in Hattiesburg, Bassfield, Sumrall and Prentiss.  Mr. Pierce reported that Sarah Moscript has asked him for information relative to potential sponsors of these maps.  Mr. Pierce reported that he has had no new information since providing the information that Sarah requested.

o.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce again solicited the support of Friends in establishing/sponsoring an annual event on the anniversary of the Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride and in memory of a true friend of the Longleaf Trace, Jerry Ryan.  A discussion was held relative thereto and it was agreed that following this years memorial ride, there will be an effort to establish an annual event centered around and memorializing friend Jerry Ryan.

IV.               President Harrington asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 7:05.





Regular Monthly Meeting

November 1, 2004

As corrected Item lII Business, paragraph l, election of officers


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:20pm on Monday, November 1, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Micky Harrington, President            Leslie Farmer, Vice President                                Elmer Beardshall, Secretary            James Moore            Herlon Pierce           


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Herlon Pierce            Bill Powe        Sarah Moscript


I.                    Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the October 4, 2004 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web-site, and a copy handed out to those present. Friend Elmer Beardshall moved that the minutes of the October 4, 2004 meeting be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Friend James Moore and was unanimously approved.

II.                  Recognition of new members or guests- There were no new members present, however, it was acknowledged that new members have been gained since our last meeting. Friends membership now totals 75.

III.                Business

a.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the donation box has not been installed awaiting the development of the Friends of the Longleaf Trace logo for use on the donations box.

b.      As a matter of information, Gateway Manager Bill Powe and assistant Sarah Moscript presented a new draft for the Friends logo.  It was agreed that the logo is to be modified to include the word Longleaf along with Trace and further agreed by acclamation that the modified logo will be approved by a quorum of those present in this meeting and further authorized the necessary printing of the logo after its approval.

c.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the air compressor is continuing in use with the Gateway Bicycle Rentals and will be installed to provide user air service when the Gateway Bike rentals are outsourced.

d.      Friend Leslie Farmer discussed first aid supplies for the first aid boxes along the trail, however, no conclusions were reached.

e.      As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that he is continuing to wait on a response from MDOT relative to exit signs along I59 leading to the Gateway at Southern Miss.

f.        Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the board of directors has approved the purchase and installation of water coolers at the Jackson Rd and Epley Stations to match those currently located at other stations along the Trace subject to Mr. Butch Sims purchasing one of the coolers at a cost of $342 and subject to Trail Manager Herlon Pierce soliciting other donations for the additional cooler with or without success.

g.      Friend Elmer Beardshall reported that the First Sunday Group did in fact host the Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride on the fifth Sunday in October with success. At least two new members of “Friends” were gained from the group.  It was also reported that an effort will be made for next year’s Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride to be an invitational ride in memory of Mr. Jerry Ryan as an annual event on the Trace.

h.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce was asked to make a report on the status of the Jerry Ryan Memorial Facility and he reported that there is no new information available to his knowledge that has not previously been reported.

i.        Friend Elmer Beardshall reported that some photographs have been received as a result of a previous call for photos.  Mr. Beardshall reported that these photos will be retained as a part of the website and carried forward for next year’s American Trails photo contest.

j.         Resource provider Sarah Moscript  reported that a packet is being put together for the sale of advertisements for the purchase of painted metal trail route maps and rules and regulations at an estimated cost of $250.00 each for the trail heads at Hattiesburg, Bassfield, Sumrall and Prentiss. Friend Leslie Farmer stated that Francis Farmer Photography will purchase the metal painted sign with the rules and regulation for the Hattiesburg Kiosk at a total donation of $250.00.

k.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the administrative office of the Longleaf Trace has recently been working on a Call for Communities Benefits Projects  by the Mississippi Department of Transportation for hopeful publication in a United States Department of Transportation publication.  Included with the packet of information is a proposed letter from “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” to be signed by President Micky Harrington.  The letter was read to those present and Leslie Farmer moved that the letter be approved and Friend Elmer Beardshall seconded the motion and was unanimously approved. 

l.         Election of officers was discussed and it was approved by acclamation to amend the by-laws of “Friends of the Trace”, as adopted May 10, 2004, as follows:

Article IV

                        OFFICERS:   The officers of “Friends” shall be composed of a president, a vice-president, and a secretary.  Officers shall be elected annually at its regularly scheduled meeting in December of each year, and shall assume office in January following such election.  Officers for the first year (2004) shall be elected in a special called organizational meeting on May 10, 2004 and shall immediately assume the election of the office.


IV.               President Harrington asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 7:15.




Regular Monthly Meeting

December 6, 2004


The regularly scheduled meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Micky Harrington, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, December 6, 2004, in Hattiesburg, MS in the Longleaf Room of the Gateway at Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:


Micky Harrington, President            Francis Farmer         Suzanne Sims
Elmer Beardshall, Secretary            Nancy Munn               Harry Halliwell

Bob Gates                                         Tina Jackson             Ed Crockett


Guests: No guests present


Resource providers present:

Bill Powe        Sarah Moscript


I.        Approval of Minutes:  A copy of the minutes of the November 1, 2004 meeting of “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was posted on the Trace web site, and a copy handed out to those present. Friend Elmer Beardshall moved that the minutes of the November 1, 2004 meeting be approved as presented.  The motion was seconded by Friend Francis Farmer and was unanimously approved.

II.      Recognition of new members or guests- There were no new members present, however, it was acknowledged that new members have been gained since our last meeting. Friends membership now totals 87.

III.    Business

a.      Gateway Manager Bill Powe and assistant Sarah Moscript presented a new draft for the Friends logo.  It was approved by acclamation with the reservation that the trees be changed to green

b.      As a matter of information, President Micky Herrington said that the revised bridge signs had been received and posted, and that one had since been stolen. It was discussed and approved by acclamation that the Friends recommend that “ No stopping on bridge” be painted on the bridge abutment.

c.      Friend Harry Halliwell suggested that the mile markers be moved to reflect actual mileage from the Gateway to simplify mile calculations for persons entering the Trace from the Gateway. It was pointed out that hopefully the Trace will be extended to downtown, and that the change would do nothing to help those accessing the Trace from other access points.

d.      As a matter of information, Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported on the November 13th Birthday Challenge. 55 persons participated in the Challenge at the Gateway, and over 300 at Prentiss. 30+ recumbents rode from Prentiss. A bike was awarded to a recumbent entrant by RideSouth. The recipient donated the bicycle back to the Birthday Challenge, and a raffle is being held to raise money for next year’s event. Lee Mc Call has been selected chairperson for the 2005 Birthday Challenge.

e.      As a matter of information, Gateway Manager Bill Powe reported that the USM Adventure Club is planning a camping trip on the Trace, starting at the Gateway, riding to Carson, camping overnight, and returning to the Gateway.

f.        Friend Suzanne Sims asked if the Trace was ready to accept the sponsor check from Mr. Butch Sims for purchase and installation of a water cooler at the Jackson Road Station, and Gateway Manager Bill Powe stated he thought so and would confirm that and let her know as soon as possible. [As a matter of information, Trail Manager Herlon Pierce later confirmed Bills' statement, and reported that an additional sponsor has been procured for the water cooler at the Epley Station, and a check in the amount of $300 has been received. District maintenance crews will install the coolers at both Epley and Jackson Rd by early spring].

g.      The floor was opened for nomination of officers for 2005. After some discussion the following slate was selected and approved by acclamation:

President - Mickey Herrington (temporary, till a permanent candidate can be found)

Vice President – Harry Halliwell
Secretary – Leslie Farmer

IV.   President Harrington asked if there was any further new or old business, and there being none, by acclamation the meeting was adjourned at 6:55.




2004 Minutes: May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec