Ann Beardshall, Donna Davis, and Jim Puckett check their new member packets
 Hollie Ryder and Jim Coll look at the bids
 It turns out Joni Dunbar (left) is a real person, not a Jim Coll fabrication! Dawn Smith (back to camera) and Vicki Copeland are amused
 Audrey Jackson, Ed Morgan, and Charles Jackson at the bar
 Jim Coll announced the results of the auction. A significant amount of money was raised towards the goal of a $10,000 endowment for a track scholarship at USM

 Tony Mozingo listens carefully, but Millie could care less
 Jim's parents were entertained by Tony's charming daughter Grace
 Becky explains the result of her last boxing match to Keith and Vicki Hilip
 The food from Bop's was really great! Thanks Vicki. Running Bear rsvp'd but is not in any of the pictures? The Barretts and Nestor were also there but somehow avoided the camera.