1st Annual Rebel Baseball 5k Run/1 mile walk Date: Saturday, Nov. 4, 2006 Time: 8:00 am Entry Fee: $20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Name:________________________________Male__ Female__ Age on day of race:____ DOB__/__/__ Email address:_________ Address:________________________Phone:_______________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________ T Shirt size (circle one) YL S M L XL XXL Event (check one)___5k run___1 mile walk (no awards for walk) Waiver In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident which can occur while I am traveling to or frrm the event, during the event, or while I am on the premises of the event. I am also aware of and assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, effect of weather, traffic and conditions of the road. I, for myself and heirs and executors, hereby waive, release and forever discharge the event organizers, sponsors, promoters, and each of the agents, representatives, successors, and assigns, and all other persons associated with the event, for all my liabilities, claims, actions, or damages that I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this event. I understand that this waiver includes any claims, whether caused by negligence, the action or inaction of any of the above parties, or otherwise. I also understand that the entry fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. . Signature:___________________________Date:__/__/__ (Parent if under 18 years of age) |