The Pine Belt Pacers Gran Prix Series has events all year round.
January 2008 January 1- Steam Whistle 12K, 9 am at the Clyde Depot on the Longleaf Trace in Hattiesburg. 5 -- Mississippi Blues Marathon. See Entry form. 19 -- 8:30 AM -- Panther Pride 5K - Mobile, AL ******************** February 2, 2008 Saturday. Milltown Classic in Bogalusa LA. See flier and registration form. February 3, 2008 Sunday 8:00 a.m. 18th Annual Joe Cain Classic Run Come for the race but stay for the party! The recipients of the 2008 race proceeds will be Mobile Patriots Wheelchair Basketball Team. For the past 17 years, the Joe Cain Classic Run has been the primary focus for the Bay Area Runners (BAR), who organizes and conducts the event. Proceeds from the race consist of race entry fees and corporate sponsorships and are given to challenged athletes who deal with their handicaps through athletic endeavors. Past recipients have been the Mobile Patriots wheelchair basketball team, a local triathlete whose forearm was taken off by a shark while training, a wheelchair road racer, a cancer camp for kids known as Camp Rap-A-Hope, the Mobile Association of Retarded Citizens (MARC), the "Hammerheads" who are a group of disabled swimmers and "Rhapsody in Blue" stables which is a horse facility that provides therapeutic rides to people with disabilities. In the last three years alone the race has generated $32,000 in donations to local groups. The race takes place on Joe Cain Day (the Sunday before Fat Tuesday) at 8:00 a.m. in Mobile, Alabama on one of the uglier racecourses a runner is likely to encounter. The out and back route goes past the jail and a scenic scrap yard before returning the runner to the start/finish line at the foot of Canal and Broad streets near the Mobile Civic Auditorium. However, most people don’t mind the ugly course because, if you run the race, you get to go to the awesome post race party for which the race is famous. There’s live music, dancing in the street, food, door prizes, awards and a visit from Joe Cain’s famous and lovely Merry Widows, who travel the streets downtown on Joe Cain Day lending their charm and grace to citywide festivities all day long. So come join the Bay Area Runners on Joe Cain Day to celebrate the Mardi Gras tradition “Mobile Style”, help out a deserving group of challenged athletes and join in one great party. “Laissez le bon ton roulez”!! 9 -- 9:00 -- Battle of Mobile Bay 5K - Dauphin Island, AL 23 -- Saturday, February 23. Run for Love at USM. 9:00 am at the Payne Center. A Pine Belt Pacer Gran Prix event. See Flyer. $5 off for PBP members. 24 --Sunday NOTC Mardi Gras 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon, on a new course. **************** March 2008 1 -- Mississippi 50 Trail Run. Pine Belt Pacer Gran Prix event. 1 -- 8:00 AM -- SEEDS Hard Rock 5K - Daphne, AL 8 --Kappa Delta Sorority is having a 5K Run that will benefit Prevent Child Abuse of America on the Longleaf Trace on March 8, 2008. It is the largest run in Hattiesburg history each year. If you have any questions please contact Melissa Bryant at 601-606-8184. See details. 15 -- 8:00 AM St. Thomas Aquinas Irish-Italian Fest Inaugural 5k Run/Walk. St. Thomas Catholic Church, 3117 W. 4th St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (next to Pete Taylor Park on the Southern Miss campus). See flier, and entry form. 15 -- 8:00 AM -- Luck of the Irish 5K - Mobile, AL 22 -- Saturday, March 22. Inaugural Resurrection Run 5K. Picayune, MS. The race will start and finish at Jack Read Park on Goodyear Blvd., the same location as the Tung Blossom, but the course will be different. For more info, registration form and course map go to: 29 -- 8:00 -- Azalea Trail Run 10K - Mobile, AL Port City Pacers, Mobile, AL (251) 473-7223 ************** April 2008 5 -- Saturday 8 am. 5th Annual 5K at the Petal Family YMCA. Start Time is 7 p.m. and we will also have a one mile kids fun run. Petal YMCA Firefly 5K Registration begins at 6:30pm Race begins at 7p.m. Glow Necklaces will be available for the first 100 registrants! Flyer. Entry form 5 -- FOG 5K, Sumrall. Race is Sat. April 5th in Sumrall at the Lions Club Park. Park is located off Highway 42, across from the Junior High School and behind the Keith's store. Registration will begin at 7:00am with the race starting at 8:00am. For more info call Anita Sumrall at 601-758-3367. Pine Belt Pacer Gran Prix event. See Flyer. 5 -- Neighborhood Christian Centers of Jackson's third annual fund-raiser, "Pickin' & Paddlin' Outdoor Festival." It will be held April 5 at Mayes Lake/ LeFleur's Bluff State Park off Lakeland Drive in Jackson. At 8:00am, the day will begin with a 5k trail run/walk, followed by a 1mi fun run for kids 12 and under. At 10:45am, the canoe/kayak races will begin, as well as the music for the day, including: Bluegrass, Blues, Jazz and Old Time bands. Kids 12 and under get in free; $10 general admission (includes BBQ lunch from Chimneyville Smokehouse); $20 for the activity pass to enter races (includes lunch, t-shirt, and prizes). For more contact Valerie Nicholson 12 -- 25th Anniversary Run for the Roses in Prentiss MS. If you have ever run this race, you need to come to this one. They plan an especially big celebration for the 25th. Each participant will receive a DVD with 25 years of pictures, results, and stories. There is also a flea market, kids rides, vendor booths, music, and free food. Cash prizes for top winners, plus a DVD player and weekend for two to be awarded by random drawing. See Flier and Entry Form. 12 -- 1st Annual Acorn Run & Art Walk 5k Run and 1 Mile Fun Run April 12, 2008 @ 8:30 AM Location: New Oak Grove Elementary and Bellegrass Community. Contact: Stephanie Mayfield at or 601-264-8400 or Patti Permenter at 12 -- 8:00 AM -- Old Mobile 8K - Mobile, AL Saturday, April 12, Jackson - Run From the Sun, 5K Run/Walk, FR; 5:30pm. Info: Keith Warren (601) 961-7058, 19 -- Race for a Cure. 8:00 AM in beautiful Leakesville MS. All proceeds will benefit the 2008 Relay For Life. See flier. 19 --2nd Annual 5K Run/Walk. Southern Miss Recreation Majors' Association, Alpha Epsilon Delta and ACCESS REC presents, "The 2nd Annual 5K Run/Walk" on April 19 at the Southern Miss Longleaf Trace Entrance from 7-11 a.m. Registration starts at 7 a.m. Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place winners (both walkers and runners). For more information, contact Lakeshia Gibson at 26 -- First Annual Rotary Run 5K Walk/Run, Longleaf Trace. See flier, sponsors, and registration form. 26 -- Southern Miss Army ROTC Purple Heart 5K Run Saturday, April 26, Kosciusko - Natchez Trace Festival Run, 10K & 5K; 8:00am; Info: Natchez Trace Festival Run, 124 N. Jackson St., Kosciusko, MS 39090; Greg Cooper (662) 289-2981, ********************************* Friday, May 2, Jackson - National Guard 5K Run/Walk. Info: (601) 638- 8741 3 -- The 36th annual Day in the Park run will be Saturday, May 3. This is one of the oldest races in the state. Come run through the historic district of Laurel on a somewhat challenging course. This is a Pine Belt Pacer Gran Prix Event. Race flyer. For more information call Beth Thompson at 601-649-5414. Saturday, May 3, Collins - Okatoma Festival River Run 5K, 1 mi.; 8:00am. Info: Marie Shoemake (601) 765-6012 Saturday, May 3, Corinth - Corinth Coca-Cola Classic 10K Race, 8:30am; Info: Rhonda Windham, POB 239, Corinth, MS 38835-0239; Rhonda Windham (662)286-6051,, 3 -- Raymond Country Fair - Cannon Ball Run - 5 & 10 K Run. See Flyer 5 -- Cinco de Mayo – May 5, 2008 – Let’s have a Fiesta! Please join the Pine Belt Pacers as we celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a 5 mile run (or distance of your choice) and a pot luck dinner. The Fiesta will take place at the new building at Jackson Road Station. 5:30 p.m. - run, 6:30 p.m.- Fiesta – bring your favorite Mexican dish, beverage and sombrero! 10 -- Navarre Raider 5K Run/Walk at Navarre High School located in Navarre, Florida. It will start at 7:30 AM. Race web-site . Race registration web-site. For more info contact Michele Hill. 17 -- 8:00 AM -- Chickasaw Freedom Run 5K - Chickasaw, AL Saturday, May 17, Carthage,MS - Heart of Mississippi 5K Run/Walk; 8:00am. More information 17 -- RUN FROM DRUGS 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run. 8:00 am start at Ellisville Tech Park. See flyer. Thursday, May 23, New Orleans - Greek Festival Race, 5K, 1 mi.; 7:00pm. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467- 8626, 24 -- RUN FOR THE GRITS. Saturday, May 24, the Pacers will participate in the "Run for Grits" beginning at 7:00 am at Ward's at the Cloverleaf Center. This is not a competitive event. There is no fee or registeration; just show up and enjoy the run and breakfast. The run will be 4-6 miles, including portions of the Labor Day course. After the run, we will help Ward's celebrate their birthday. Ward's will give free t-shirts, birthday cake and discount/free breakfast items. For additional details or directions, call Becky Ryder at 601-434-2619 or email at ************************************************ 7 -- Pacer Relays, USM Track. The Fourth Annual Pine Belt Pacer Relays is set for June 7 at the Southern Miss Track and Field Complex in Hattiesburg. Events will include a 4 x 100 relay, a 4 x 400 relay, a standing broad jump, men's and women's softball throw, men's and women's 1500, and steeplechase. See event schedule, and entry form. Team leaders - please fill out the Event Entry Forms. You will need to print out several (one for each event), however you will only need to fill in the column on each for name of the entrant. 10 -- 5K Training, Thames Track, Becky Ryder Thursday, June 12, New Orleans - Free For All Summer Series Race #1, 2 mi.; 7:00pm. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467-8626, 14 -- Twenty-Forth Annual PTA Blueberry Run 5K Run and 1 Mile Run will be in Poplarville, Mississippi on Saturday, June 14, 2008. For more information: We invite the entire family to come and enjoy the exciting Blueberry Jubilee featuring a Blueberry Queen contest, sale of blueberries and plants, tours of USDA Research Center, musical groups, Arts & Crafts sales, entertainment all day, Blueberry Food Fest, antique car show, storytelling and much, much more! Food will be served all day by local civic clubs. We look forward to welcoming all our many past participants and those who will experience the Blueberry Jubilee for the first time. It’s great family fun, and we hope to see you on Saturday, June 14, 2008 Thank you for your help! Tammy Krutzfeldt Saturday, June 14, Jackson, MS - GI Tract Stars. More information June 14 USATF Southern Association Open & Master’s Championship Zachary HS Zachary, LA. For more information contact Byron Turner at Sunday, June 15, Metairie - Father's Day 2 mi., 1/2 mi.; 8:00am. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467-8626, 17 -- 5K Training, Thames Track, Becky Ryder Thursday, June 19, New Orleans - Free For All Summer Series Race #2, 2 mi.; 7:00pm. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467-8626, 21 -- The Gary McAdams Sandshaker 5K Run/Walk/Wheelchair June 21, 2008 7:30 a.m. 28 -- 2008 Renaissance at Colony Park Half Marathon! On June 28, 2008, Marathon Makeover will present a premiere half marathon event starting and finishing at the Renaissance at Colony Park, a Lifestyle Center masterpiece in the heart of Ridgeland, MS. This unrivaled venue for shopping, dining and entertaining will serve as host for this incredible race weekend. The race will feature Champion Chip timing, a beautiful finisher's medal, a technical t-shirt, pre-race pasta meal at area restaurants, shopping discounts at Renaissance stores, shopping spree drawings and winners awards. A children's, one-mile fun run will also be run and all participants, 6-13 years-old, will receive a t-shirt and finisher's medal. See 2008 Renaissance June 28 Southwest Regional Master Championship LSU Baton Rouge, For more information contact Byron Turner at ************************************** July 2008 JULY 1 5K TRAINING THAMES TRACK BECKY RYDER Friday, July 4, Jackson, MS - Watermelon Classic 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. More information JULY 8 5K TRAINING THAMES TRACK BECKY RYDER Saturday, July 12, Byram, MS - Swinging Bridge 5K, 8:00am. More information JULY 13 PACER MEETING RYDER HOMW BECKY RYDER JULY 15 5K TRAINING THAMES TRACK BECKY RYDER Thursday, July 17, New Orleans - Free For All Summer Series Race #4, 2 mi.; 7:00pm. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467-8626, JULY 22 5K TRAINING THAMES TRACK BECKY RYDER Friday, July 25, Jeffeerson - Rivershack Run/Walk, 2 mi.; 7:00pm. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467-8626, JULY 29 5K TRAINING THAMES TRACK BECKY RYDER *************************** August 2008 Saturday, August 2 WOODSTOCK 5K Come participate in the 28th running of Anniston Runners Club AUGUST 5 TREK THE TRACE USM Gateway LLT Thursday, Aug. 7, New Orleans - Free For All Summer Series Race #5, 2 mi.; 7:00pm. Info: NOTC, POB 52003, New Orleans, LA 70152-2003; (504) 467-8626, AUGUST 12 TREK THE TRACE USM Gateway LLT KILY GARCIA GP AUGUST 16 Lake Lowndes State Park Duathlon 2008 AUGUST 19 TREK THE TRACE USM Gateway LLT GP OAK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL ROBIN RYDER GP TREK THE TRACE USM Gateway LLT KILY GARCIA See Flier GP August 26 *************** September 2008 SEPT 1 LABOR YOUR LEGS 5K CLOVERLEAF CENTER BECKY/KEITH BARRETT SEPT 13 LABOR YOUR LEGS 5K CLOVERLEAF CENTER BECKY/KEITH BARRETT September 6. Hurricane 5K Run/Walk, 8:10 am, Dauphin Island, AL. Port City Pacers, 251-473-7223, , Corporate Cup September 13. GO for Gynecologic Oncology 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, USA Campus. Port City Pacers, 251-473-7223, , Corporate Cup SEPT 20 LAUREL PHILLIP WEDGEWORTH GP SOUTH CENTRAL Blaze 5K/10K Race on the Columbus Air Force Base Registration Form SEPT 20 Inaugural Bluegrass 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Fun Run in Polkville, MS. This event is part of Polkville Day 2008, which includes many fun activities and bluegrass music at the "Music Barn". Waiting for a Cure 5K See flier September 27. BayFest 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, Mobile, AL. Little Red Hen, Corporate Cup 27 -- Jubilee Race for Life 5K and One-Mile Fun Run, Daphne, Alabama (on the Eastern Shore) ******************* October 2008 October 4. Knobbley 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, Mobile, AL. Little Red Hen, 251-401-8039 October 4. Heart of Champions 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, Bay Minette, AL. OCTOBER 5 PACER MEETING JAMIE WALKER HOME JAMIE WALKER October 11 Heritage EagleMan Triathlon in Hattiesburg October 18. Saraland Harvest Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, Saraland, AL. Port City Pacers, 251-473-7223, , Corporate Cup October 18. Silverhill Heritage Day 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, Silverhill, AL. October 18. The Golden Triangle Running and Cycling Club is sponsoring the Johnny Cash Flower Pickin' Festival Run the Line 5K and Walk the Line 1 Mile Walk. 8:00 AM in downtown Starkville, MS. See flier Visit or for race entry form. OCTOBER 25 Howard Tech Park, Ellisville PHILLIP WEDGEWORTH GP 25 -- My 1st 5K. 8 am start at the Gateway USM on the Longleaf Trace. For more info call Jodi Tate at 266-5266 or email her. See Flyer October 25. Sandman 5K Run/Walk, 8:00 am, LuLu's in Gulf Shores, AL. 25 -- Crazy Cajun 10K. Lake Charles, Louisiana. See Press Release. 31 - Halloween Track on Tap October 31, 2008 5:45 p.m. – meet and park at First Baptist Church on W. Pine St. (parking lot behind church). Costume mandatory! **************** November 2008 November 1. Food World Senior Bowl Charity 10K Run/Walk, 8:30 am, Mobile, AL. Port City Pacers, 251-473-7223, , Corporate Cup, , 251-342-1363. November 1 Birthday Challenge on the Longleaf Trace November 1, 13th Annual Homecoming Eagle 5K Run at USM. See details. Application. November 2 Jerry Ryan Memorial bike ride on the Longleaf Trace. 1:30 at Gateway USM. Contact Nancy at Hattiesburg Bicycle Center for details. NOV 6 TRACK ON TAP TBA TBA NOV 8 PEARL RIVER RAMBLE 5K/10K HENLEYFIELD MS For more info e-mail Info Nov 8 The 2nd Annual Pearl River Ramble 5K/10K will be held Saturday November 8, 2008 in Henleyfield, MS. This is a gorgeous, challenging course just north of Picayune MS. Entry Nov 15 The Petal Rotary chapter is hosting a 5K on Saturday, November 15th . The run/walk will be held in the Trailwood area beginning at the Twin Pines Golf course. Start time is 8 am. Pre-registration is $15. Race day registration is $20. For more info call Kelli Phillips at the Petal YMCA 601-583-9399. See flier. Nov 15 Join us in scenic downtown Leakesville, Miss., on Nov. 15 at 7:30 a.m. for the first-annual Run 2 the River 2-Miler. This race, sponsored by the MSU Extension Service, benefits the Community Health Coalition of Greene County. Registration for this *laid-back* race is only $10 (day-of-race-only registration). There will be food and beverages after the race, and a master naturalist will be on hand to discuss the many inviting outdoor activities available to visitors of Greene County. For more details, e-mail Joe Rolison at Nov 15 The Tri City Track Club in Morgan City, LA is planning a bridge race for November 15th at 4 pm. Participants will run / walk throughout historic Morgan City towards the Long-Allen Bridge. This is where the trouble starts! Runners will run over the Atchafalaya River via the Long-Allen Bridge. After crossing the bridge...runners will turn around and do it again!! Get ready for DOUBLE TROUBLE!! Crying is not allowed on the course. November 22. Turkey 10 Miler & 5K Run/Walk, 8:30 am, Creola, AL. Port City Pacers, 251-473-7223, NOV 27 HOBBLE THEN GOBBLE 5 MILE LAKE SERENE Audrey, Charles, and Andrew Maxwell GP November 29. Mississippi Coast Marathon/Half Marathon, 8:00 am, Stennis Space Center ********************* December 2008 Dec 6 A[maize]ing Race 4K Run & Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run Saturday, December 6, 2008 Relay Park, Petal. See flyer. Dec 6 Jingle Bell 5K run in Meridian Saturday morning at 8:00 AM. See: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
December 13. Holiday Half Marathon & 8K Run/Walk, 8:30 am, Point Clear, AL. Port City Pacers, 251-473-7223, See 2009 Races |